Oh no, bad back and a looming 10k race - help! - Bridge to 10K

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Oh no, bad back and a looming 10k race - help!

Fionn42 profile image
8 Replies

And it was all going so well! Having been running now for a few years, other than a stress fracture of my fibula when I first started running, which healed and the cause sorted with orthotics I’ve been completely injury free.

I signed up for the Killerton 10k trail run earlier in the year and have been running a 10k once a month or so, and during the hot weather had got as far as 7k on a local hilly trail route so was confident I could at least get round and finish the 10k trail course.

I had a bit of a cold a week ago, so eased off running for a week as it was chesty but kept up the walking and was active. Did my usual 5k route on Sunday to test the lungs and although I was a bit slower than normal as I expected, it was great to be running again and it felt fine. Planned to run 5k on Tuesday, 5k on Thursday then another 10k training run on Saturday in prep for the race the following week. All fine but then on Monday at work, sitting at a desk I got a twinge in my lower back. Twinge turned into a small spasm which gradually got worse during the day. I drove home in a fair bit of discomfort and did the hot and cold treatment hourly.

It has got steadily worse and is now soooo painful - every time I move it threatens another spasm. Am off to the osteopath thus afternoon and have been taking ibuprofen.

So does anyone have experience of this and do you think I will still be able to run my 10k in 11 days time???? I’ll be gutted if I have to pull out if the race! 😟😩😳

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Fionn42 profile image
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8 Replies
pinkaardvark profile image

I have had lower back spasm issues in the past and always find initially it takes a week or two to ease off but then the best thing for it is exercise. I recall one snowboarding holiday where every evening I was bent double getting up after dinner but as soon as I strapped on my board in the morning and started moving, it went and did't bother me for the whole day. Hopefully the physio can get you past the initial flare up period a bit quicker.

Fionn42 profile image
Fionn42 in reply to pinkaardvark

Yeah, I’ve founded moving definitely helps. Lying in bed and sitting are agony so am keeping moving. Hopefully the combination MadDave suggests below will get me back up and running ASAP 🏃‍♀️😁. Thank you for the advice and support chaps!

MadDave profile image

I get a similar issue with my QL muscle. A combination of osteo, yoga and ice pack helps, with the latter being most effective. Good luck!

Fionn42 profile image
Fionn42 in reply to MadDave

Thanks for the advice! I’ll do some yoga stretches. Ha e been icing regularly so fingers crossed it will start to let go soon!

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Oh no sorry to hear this Fionn.

I agree with the others that exercise rather than sitting helps. Have you tried a massage therapy stick to see if it eases it?

I have found walking and even running help with lower back pain, but be careful if you take ibuprofen that it doesn't mask the pain.

Good luck at the osteopaths.x

Fionn42 profile image
Fionn42 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thank you oh wise ones! Just back from the osteo - pelvis is out of line and when she saw the big bruise in my left knee, it suddenly dawned on me what caused it (phew!). I skidded over on a slippery rock on a trek on Dartmoor 10 days ago and must have twisted my pelvis but didn’t realise it. Muscles have been compensating ever since for the wonkiness but have finally given in, hence the hideous cramping and spasms. Have been manipulated and instructed to keep going with hot and cold treatment, yoga stretches and Nurofen and back to her for another session next week. So there is hope and I’m going to do my best to get back to fitness. When I told her of the 10k on Sunday week she didn’t say no and didn’t seem too fazed, so here’s hoping!

Agelesslass profile image

Good luck, I have a 10k race run on 15th and have an infection at the moment so know how you feel about missing it.

Fionn42 profile image
Fionn42 in reply to Agelesslass

Oh good luck for yours too! Such a nightmare to have done the preparation and then be struck down just before the big day 😱. We’ll be fine won’t we?!

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