A Be Kind To Yourself Thank You Run - Bridge to 10K

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A Be Kind To Yourself Thank You Run

Couchphoenix profile image
38 Replies

Out at 6am this morning, cool, breezy and still dark, chose my alternative route, the one with the dreaded hill. I was going to do a Zombie Run, but decided against it.....not that I was scared or anything you understand 😳. So I chose the NRC ‘Another Thank You Run’....shortly after starting I realised I hadn’t done the first Thank You Run 🤔 oh well not to worry. I decided to take it easy today, the route was dark in places and I forgot to wear my chest torch, but passing car headlights helped.

Dreaded hill didn’t seem too bad today for some reason so I was encouraged by that and I didn’t feel as fatigued as I had on Tuesday when I pushed myself too hard and did a 10k. I got into a nice steady pace and with Coach Bennett reminding me how thankful we should be to the people who are always there for us and our Running Family etc (thought of you lovely lot and your messages of encouragement at that point 😊) I continued on. I reached the half way point and turned and headed for home....amazingly I felt myself picking up the pace and still feeling comfortable....I’ll stop at Dreaded Hill I thought as I’m being kind to myself, but somehow I found myself three quarters of the way up it when Coach Bennett was telling me I’d reached the end. So I pressed ‘Resume Workout’ and carried on over its crest and on until I’d reached 8k. I didn’t feel tired or out of breath, I actually felt great. 😁in through the front door, straight back out to walk the dog, shower and off to work.

So glad I got up and got out there today and as always it’s set me up for the day.....have a great weekend and happy running everyone 👍🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

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Couchphoenix profile image
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38 Replies
Catho78 profile image

Love you posts, thanks. Sounds like a great run, and so true we have to be kind to ourselves and run as our bodies let us, as opposed to what we’ve planned some times.

One question, how do you get your dog to wait til post run for a walk? 😉My German shepherd puppy is chomping at the bit for a walk first thing so it’s walk (which I love with her) and then run, I use it as my warm up to a degree lol. But running first maybe better option. Have a great weekend, happy running.

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Catho78

His time seems to be 7:30, so as long as I creep about the house not making much noise he’s fine....must just be lucky I guess, bless him 👍

Catho78 profile image
Catho78Graduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

Thanks, I will try and rise before she’s up, bless her.

Tinytears60 profile image

Perfect run Mister! 👏👏👏 well done!

And.... a perfect day to do a ‘be kind to yourself run’

World kindness day 🙏🏻💕🥰

Friday 13th November 2020

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Tinytears60

I must be honest I didn’t realise that Jane, it was a lovely run though and to still feel fresh and pick up the pace on the way home is a real confidence booster, especially after the slog I had on Tuesday, but that was my fault entirely I should have gone for a short run... oh well, we live and learn x

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

The importance is getting out there .. I’ve been kind to myself and not gone but this evening I’ve got gremlins in stereo pecking my head.. ‘lazy janey’ ‘what have you done all day?’ ‘So lazy!’


Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Tinytears60

You’re not lazy, you’re the Strava Trophy hunter, you’re entitled to a break... I’m feet up on the Pinot Gregio tonight 👍🥂

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

Ha... I’ve got 54 with another 8 in progress ... not bad for 3 months 👏👏 🏆🤣

Lizcanrun profile image

Sounds fab! We'll done.

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Lizcanrun

Thank you Lizcanrun, it was 👍

I really like this and I love the pace of it too. It sounds like a mellow run which you were able to control if and when you needed. This is a terrific post to read. Have a great day and weekend ahead 😀

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to

Thank you GTFC, it was a good one, but treacherous in the dark to begin with, I’ll remember to take my chest torch next time. My stamina and fitness are still increasing and I find I’m relaxing more, it’s taken a long time as I was very self conscious about running outside when I took this up....you have a great weekend too 👍

in reply to Couchphoenix

I love this...

'My stamina and fitness are still increasing and I find I’m relaxing more, it’s taken a long time'

You worked for it. You put in run after run after run. The stage you are at is deserved.

People out there running admire you whether they are faster and stronger or slower and weaker, they admire you.

Awesome progress!!

NetCadet profile image

I was SOOOO hoping you weren't going to say "breezy and still dark so I did a Zombie run"!!

What a great sounding run! I'm hanging on for the days when I will write a post where I sound so in control ha ha. But it's inspiring and I know it's out there somewhere waiting for me! Happy Friday 13th!

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to NetCadet

Chickened out of the zombie run 😱it was pretty dark out there, maybe one for next week 🤔

It was a lovely run and I really enjoyed it today, It’s taken me a long time to feel in control and able to run without feeling the need to stop, I’m still a beginner, still learning. My tip to you is concentrate on getting your breathing into a good rhythm, it so important. You keep hanging on, the days will soon come, trust me 👍

Birdlady64 profile image

Great post, and a great run. Perfect sentiments for World Kindness Day 😁

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Birdlady64

Thank you Birdlady64 😊 I can’t claim credit for that, I didn’t realise it was World Kindness Day until TinyTears60 told me, maybe it was fate I chose that run....I really enjoyed it though and it was a good confidence builder 👍🏃‍♂️

Birdlady64 profile image
Birdlady64Graduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

Am not sure what to do for my run tomorrow. I might try the first Thank You run and see how it goes

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Birdlady64

Yeah why not, give it a go, they’re thought provoking and make the run a lot more enjoyable I find.

Instructor57 profile image

A good read and great run !

Perhaps this is another one for my list 😁👍

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Instructor57

Definitely, I’m going to try the other one soon. I do enjoy the NRC runs, they’re typically American in their enthusiasm but I like them 👍🏃‍♂️

58soon profile image

You sound amazing Couchphoenix! Your running seems to be constantly improving despite the fact that you've come so far already. You're an inspiration! :)

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to 58soon

Thank you 58soon 😊 not sure I’d class myself as amazing, but that’s really kind of you, I’m still learning and still loving it. I have inspired quite a few of the ladies I work with to tackle C25k, 2 have graduated, one is starting this weekend and another is on W9R3, final run Saturday....it’s flattering that my enthusiasm has made them want to do it. Enjoy your weekend 😀

Just remembered there’s another one on week 3, just call me Coachphoenix 😉

Birdlady64 profile image
Birdlady64Graduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix


Most people I know just don't get it.

But I did inspire one friend who used to work with me to start. She graduated a couple of months ago and still runs 3 times a week.

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Birdlady64

I’ll tell you the strangest thing though, they enjoy C25k, but although I sing the praises of this forum, none of them have really embraced it, which puzzles me as I think its such a big and enjoyable part of it 🤷‍♂️

Birdlady64 profile image
Birdlady64Graduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

I agree that is a bit strange.

I don't do social media eg instagram, twitter, facebook apart from this. And I'm not sure I would have even graduated without the support and encouragement of everyone on here.

There is such a positive vibes o ln here, unlike other corners of the web

SueAppleRun profile image

What a good way to start your day,

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to SueAppleRun

It definitely was....I’m finding I miss running if I don’t go out and get my fix, I certainly feel a lot more content and happy for the rest of the day when I’ve been out for a run 😀🏃‍♂️

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate1060minGraduate in reply to Couchphoenix

That’s it exactly , what I feel, i’ve just learned I’ve got 5 whole days off over christmas, and starting to plan 5 runs, they don’t have to be long i just want to go

58soon profile image

Ha! Coachphoenix! Love it..... keep inspiring those work colleagues of yours. It's hard to explain the magic of C25k unless you've done it, but let's keep spreading the word and hopefully it will change some lives and put some smiles on some faces :)

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to 58soon

Thought you’d like that one! 😂 Yes let’s definitely both keep spreading the word 👍

Littleoyellow profile image

Enjoyed reading your post and glad you had a better, more enjoyable run than the previous one 😁 I too will be trying out the thank you runs on your recommendation coachpheonix, and hope that you continue to be kind to yourself and enjoy your runs. Btw well done for tackling that Hill- it definitely would have finished me off 😬👍

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to Littleoyellow

Thank you 😊 they’re great the NRC runs, definitely make the run a lot more enjoyable. I’m going to do the first Thank You run soon, I enjoyed today’s. That hill is a steep one but it’s nice to find out you can conquer it, makes you realise how much your fitness and stamina has improved 👍

Littleoyellow profile image
LittleoyellowGraduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

I did the Recovery Run With Headspace today, and it's the first time I've ever wished I hadn't put music on. I'm hooked 😁 I think I've got a way to go before I'm fit enough to tackle an actual hill 🤣 but I'll get there. Keep doing what you're doing 👍

61Lady profile image

Another fantastic outing for you again by the sound of it- you should be really proud of what you’re doing

9weeks2Run profile image

Sounds like a great run, so impressive to run 8k especially before work!! May I ask what the Zombie run is?

Belated “Happy Kindness Day” such a wonderful thing to be kind to ourselves 👏👏👏💪💪💪⭐️⭐️⭐️

Couchphoenix profile image
CouchphoenixGraduate10 in reply to 9weeks2Run

It’s an app called Zombies run, if you look at my previous posts I’ve put two on about it. It’s good fun and it’s free, give it a go 👍

9weeks2Run profile image
9weeks2RunGraduate10 in reply to Couchphoenix

Ah thank you, I will have a 👀. So much new stuff to learn!!

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