So I have been toying with the idea of earbuds for some time. I have several pairs of wireless headphones and they are fine, when I wear a ponytail, as I wind the cable up around the ponytail and this stops the on/off bit bumping against my neck when I run. But I have also been toying with the idea of having short hair so thought maybe earbuds would be the answer.
I’ve researched for a while and finally ordered some Urbanista ones from EBay, supposedly opened but not worn!!! They went back sharpish as I could quite clearly see they HAD been worn. By someone with really grubby ears too! 🤢
Then I settled on a pair, which were reduced from £44.99 to £27. Bargain I thought!! Made by Coumi and they come with their own little charging case so I set them up, ready to go and took them for their maiden voyage this morning.
All seemed good, sound was nice and clear, easy one tap to pair, 2 taps to Play/Pause, 3 to go back a tune, when in use 1 tap to send volume up. I experimented while warm up waking and although the left one fell out while I was fiddling I readjusted it and carried on. Then after I’d been running about 5 mins I wanted to cross the road and a nice man slowed and signalled me across so I smiled to acknowledge him and the left one fell out in the road, causing me to stop and pick it up, covered in embarrassment at holding the nice man up further. The right one was solid as a rock so I inserted left one again and “screwed it in” as instructed and all seemed well.
I carried on, up the lane behind B&M towards Rock Park, breathing well, legs a bit achey and they have been the last couple of days. Been getting my garden and greenhouse ready for winter and overdone it a bit. And then I was at the top, crossed the road and downhill all the way to the Park. I was flying now and glancing at my watch I thought this is going to be a PB run definitely and then...... I wiped the sweat from the left side of my brow..... and ... the bl*^%y earbuds shot out and disappeared into the undergrowth somewhere. By the time I realised and stopped and retraced my steps, gone was all hope of a PB and gone also was my flipping earbud. I searched as best I could through long wet grass, brambles, nettles and dogpoo, stinging my thumb in the process. My right ear bud did it’s best to help offering helpful hints like “ connected” and “ disconnected” as I moved up and down the track. But eventually even that gave up and switched itself off.
So I gave up too, carried and completed my run without music, which was okay but I’d lost interest by then. So moral of the story I’m sticking to my old £3.97 wireless headphones and chalking this up to experience. No PB by the way either. But 5k run, not the 8k I’d planned originally. And I’ve decided either I have one ear hole larger than the other or it’s because I use the muscle in front of that ear more. That’s the ear that I can wiggle too ( my party piece).