The numbers aren’t miles or km, they’re pace changes for the gradients. It’s 12.12 miles
For Ethelbert: The numbers aren’t miles or km... - Bridge to 10K
For Ethelbert
Fantastic distance, excellent run. Happy running 🤗
Looks like a great run UNM!! 💥💥💥❤️
I’ll let you know... or I can save it until next time you’re in the north west and you can come find out for yourself 😀
😂!! did do 12 MILES!! 🤩🤩 See.... I have stopped seeing K’s automatically quite some time ago now UNM!! There’s no sneaking that one in!🤓👈🏽 🤣
🤔 I could do my bit and then go and get a coffee or something though. 😉🤝❤️
First bit is by far the hardest... once up there you may as well carry on! Really hoping I can fit this into a plan run this month.
Hey, how is your running going lately? All okay?
Hey GTFC!! 👋🏽👋🏽! I’m certainly not in a regular running routine. I’ve only been out for my big run this month!! What I have been perfecting (for a few months now) is daily morning exercise. It’s become a bit like brushing your teeth and I’m very pleased about that 🙌🏽😁.
This month, it’s been more strengthening exercises than cardio, but together it has really helped to shift some of those locked down and loaded up feelings 😂.
I think I can start introducing morning runs now. Keeping to the routine 😁! So, watch this space!! I’ll probably have to go slow, but go I shall!! 😉❤️
This sounds really positive and very important too. Well done though on forming this routine. Slow is most definitely the way to go!
Thank you I'll have a closer look later - need to work out where your 3 marker is. I'm seriously in awe at the mere thought of running this route!!
It’s at a crossroads on paths... then crosses the snake about 100 yards after the snake straightens at the top. Coincidentally it’s also 3 miles into the run
"Snake"? - that sounds intriguing
Does that get you onto the "yellow brick road"? (The paved path in case it's just our family who calls it that!)
I think so... down to the end of the big lay-by.
Gotcha. We tend to turn off towards the trig point then down past Wormstones when walking, rather than carrying on to the layby. I reckon I've walked all of your route, just not all in one go. If you do it, we want a full run report!!
I’ll run it... just not sure when 🤣. I have to run to paces on my plan, which is all well and good... but I get workouts like “run 60 minutes, run 30 minutes (optional)” and it’s the average pace in each bit that is recorded... so I need the compulsory part to be long enough for me to catch up with the average pace after the climb, if that makes sense. Usually on my long runs I need to be around 10:30 per mile and I don’t think I’ll do the climb faster than 12:30, so that’s already getting close to 40 minutes... I’d need the same again, maybe more, to get there. This could have to wait until my compulsory run is around 100 minutes.