Yesterday I went out for my long run of the week - on week 6 of the Magic Plan (time version). Well i was really not feeling it and for some reason the toxic 10 kicked in with a vengeance. (Possibly down to a couple of glasses of wine the night before....) So i plodded on in self-inflicted misery and decided that I'd drag myself to 20 then call it quits. By 20 minutes I was starting to feel a bit better so I thought - OK I can do 30. I suddenly got my second wind and thought I'd hang in there for the full 55.
I was running out and back on a cycle path so I turned at 28 mins and headed back. The only problem was I started floundering again and i was coming up on the older, half naked and decidedly unappealing chap that I had passed on the way out. I just knew he was going to want to chat if I stopped - so I forced myself to keep going past him. Then I thought I didn't really want him at my back in case he walked faster than me, so I kept going for the full 55 minutes.
It was my slowest, most unlovely brute of a run but it was the furthest (6.2k) and longest to date. So thanks to Mr Slightly Unpleasant and me being an antisocial personage, i got there in the end!