Sad: I have not been on a run since Monday I... - Bridge to 10K

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Love2run1969 profile image
27 Replies

I have not been on a run since Monday I've been so sad lately I've been battling with depression and anxiety for years and years and I just don't know how to flip my brain to get out of this funk I go through some good periods and then I just fall into this Darkness

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Love2run1969 profile image
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27 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Sorry about your situation Love2run1969, however, as your username suggests you love or loved running.

Many folk on the Healthunlocked running forums report that running does relieve stress, so I suggest that you go for a very gentle run, no PB'S or anything like that, just a nice slow run, hopefully that will relax you and relieve some of your stress.

Buddy34 profile image

Sorry you're feeling this way . Just a suggestion and I know it's easier said than done. But what about going out for a walk with your running gear on and if you feel like it trying a few short runs along the way. Hope you're feeling a bit better soon 🤗🤗

cheekychipmunks profile image

I’m so sorry you’re going all through that Love2run. You’ve had some great suggestions so far and I echo those. I’m imagining the hardest part for you is putting your kit on and getting out the door. Why not start with putting your kit on? Then maybe next time going out for a walk and/or a very short jog or run? Baby steps, but they’ll be achievements for you.

I hope your funk is short-lived. We’re here for you. ❤️

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to cheekychipmunks

I'll get back out there on Monday

cheekychipmunks profile image
cheekychipmunksGraduate10 in reply to Love2run1969

Fantastic! ❤️

BaddieThePirate profile image

Can I ask if it is monthly? It took me years to figure out I had a couple of really bad days every month. I literally just wanted to stop the world and get off. Easier to deal with once I figured out it was PMT and I knew it would go away after a couple of days.

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to BaddieThePirate

No, I'm 51 on hrt

BaddieThePirate profile image

So it's the sort of lows that jump up and bite you on the bum out of the blue. Bother, harder to deal with in a way. I hope you manage to feel better soon, and good luck with your running.

Elisabetta profile image

Sending warm wishes to you. I can have similar struggles too. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Try to list 3 things which you enjoy and plan to do one. Mine can be as simple as taking a bath, sitting in the garden or a warm drink. When I’m in the fog I find I don’t know what to do - feels hopeless. Having a nice ‘to do’ plan helps me. X

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to Elisabetta

I like your ideas and thank you for responding and I pretty much mastered all the self-care strategies like warm bath herbal tea going for walks massage but not now during a pandemic doing a facial colouring my hair all those things I've done but I find that now especially during the pandemic I've been turning to food for comfort so even though I'm still running three times a week I'm gaining weight so if I'd now I have to concur that demon the food

Elisabetta profile image
Elisabetta in reply to Love2run1969

Sounds like you’re really trying. You will get through this. Weight/food is a hard one. I find it comforting too which means the weight piles on. I’m afraid I don’t have the answers but wish you the best. X

Sparkey5000 profile image

Be kind to know the funk won’t last. You know you will get through it. Be patient. It’s great you felt you wanted to share how you’re feeling here....I’d say that was the first step out. Great that I see you have set yourself a date to get out a run again....remember the end of the street counts....doesn’t have to be any specific distance or time. Hope your steps keep building. Let us know how your getting on x

jano56 profile image

so sorry. don't be hard on yourself. if you can muster any energy at all, just go for a walk and look around at the outside world. somewhere green if possible but anywhere where you can observe the world. good for body and soul. Hope you can make it through the dark. I know how hard it can be. x

Slinkymalinki profile image

How are you feeling today? I know how hard it is to find any positives sometimes but it's good to know that you have at least had a run last Monday and you will do again! Do you need a change of scenery? Can you walk or even drive to another area to refresh your senses? If you feel like trying some mindfulness, I recommend the free Insight Timer app. It has helped me through bereavement, anxiety and stress over the last few years and I still use it. Be kind to yourself. Let us know how things are going. x

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to Slinkymalinki

Thank you for your kind words. I'm feeling a bit better... looking forward to my run tomorrow everyday is a good day when I run

NickiCS profile image

Sending you big hugs. Depression sucks! One day at a time. Be kind to yourself. You will get there

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to NickiCS

Thank you

paulmeister profile image

Sometimes it's easier not to bother, isn't it? I felt like that yesterday but I also thought in 45 minutes it will be over and I can pat myself on the head and park it for a few more days. As it turned out, much to my surprise, it totally altered my mood for the rest of the day, I was pleased I'd pushed myself out the door AND AND AND I could have a guilt-free bar of chocolate with my cup of coffee.

Depression is a pig, it steals so much of your time and enjoyment but try letting your actions change your thoughts and not your thoughts change your actions. Sometimes it's like wading through treacle but it's worth the wade. :)

Daiwalker profile image

You're talking to a kindred spirit. I've tried all sorts of medications. Thankfully I've dropped them all in favour of mindfulness. People think I'm a bit hippyish when I go on about it so I won't. However, having lived with depression I can say it's not about eradicating it, it's about living with it. I still have days where I'm lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut but mindfulness has given me the tools to pick myself up when I'm down and ground me when I'm having a "hyper" day. Someone explained mindfulness something like this to me - mindfulness is you sewing your own parachute. One day you'll find yourself on the edge and it would be nice to know you've got a good parachute just in case you fall off the edge.

Use running as your leveller but don't give up. That's not an option.

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to Daiwalker

Thank you much so much for responding besides dealing with addiction issues I find that I am eating more to comfort myself I hear what you're saying about the medication right now I'm on three different medications I used to be on like 6 but yeah I've often question that if I should just go off of them all together I have tried mindfulness I don't know if I'm using it properly though

Daiwalker profile image
Daiwalker in reply to Love2run1969

If you're going to drop medication I'd advise talking that through with your doctor (rather than listening to a bloke off the internet) but for me I had to find something as I was o fed up of the continual cycle of medication, level off, come off medication, depression creeping back in, go back on medication etc etc.

I did an 8 week course in mcbt which marries cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness. It's very very hard and requires a lot of practice. You're trying to break a learned habit (the habit of letting depression be your companion). I think it's really interesting. Takes a lot of training (much like running). They need a couch to 5k mindfulness equivalent!

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to Daiwalker

Thank you so much oh yeah I know what you're saying about the medication but so true depression as your companion you just triggered something in me I remember my psychiatrist offered a mindfulness program but with the pandemic I don't know if they're going to be offering it but I am going to look into it thank you so much

Daiwalker profile image
Daiwalker in reply to Love2run1969

I'm now a member of two online mindfulness groups. Good luck!

Slinkymalinki profile image
SlinkymalinkiGraduate10 in reply to Love2run1969

I agree with Daiwalker - doing a course through a therapist is a good idea. Mindfulness takes a while to get used to but every time you do it helps. Even if your mind is chattering away it doesn't matter, just acknowledging those thoughts are literally 'just thoughts' and not actually 'you' then returning to focus on your breathing is empowering and begins to adjust those entrenched patterns of thought. I'm seeing a therapist on Zoom at the moment (started in Jan) for help with anxiety over childhood traumas which kept resurfacing. She practices mindfulness as well and has been brilliant at unraveling my frazzled mind and past. Many therapists offer a first free session to see how you feel with each other.

Hope this helps. x

BumblyBee profile image

I just wanted to send warm hugs your way. Battling ongoing anxiety and depression is exhausting and sometimes it’s so hard to keep your head above water. All the advice about getting out for a walk and maybe a gentle run is excellent I think - it will help even if it doesn't feel like it. Have you read ‘Jog On’ by Bella Mackie? It’s made a big difference to me. Take care and be proud of yourself.

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to BumblyBee

Thank you very much I found the book on Audible I'll give it a listen

Love2run1969 profile image
Love2run1969 in reply to BumblyBee

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !!! I am loving the book Jog On! Thanks for recommending it👍🏃‍♀️😊🍁

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