Looking for your tips on good running bra...
Running bra recommendations please - Bridge to 10K
Running bra recommendations please

My Freya running bra is my favourite- really comfortable & nothing going anywhere! I have had it for over 2 years now & it continues to be indestructible! 😄

Depends on your size. If large cup I’d recommend visiting Bravissimo- their website gives guidance on fitting as you obviously can’t go to the store. Good luck 🤗

I have an M&S front zip which holds everything in comfortably, although it’s quite a different size from my normal bra - so you may need to try a few on. Think I might try Bravissimo when we’re all allowed out again!

Shock absorbers are the only ones that work for my H cup load. Usually sourced through Bravissimo.

I started off with a M&S zip up bra but after a couple of unzippings mid run (user error) I invested in a shock absorber ultimate bra. A great fit and good support. You need to try sports bras on - they are nothing like the size of normal bras.
Shock Absorbers, but be warned, in my experience they come up very small in sizes.
Panache under wired sports bra, also from Bravissimo, is fantastic. No monoboob because of the wires, incredibly comfortable and absolutely no unwanted movement.

Sports jockey! I’ve big boobs (size F) and a smallish rib cage (32)....sorry boys to make you blush and these bras are so comfy and the best find for me ever. No sore bouncing and uncomfortable bands digging in to prevent the bouncing getting out of control. And they do beautiful colours if you are ever brave enough to wear them as outer ware.....I never have lol.
Depends how well endowed you are. For me as a 32EE it’s Shock Absorber every time. Terrific anti-bounce even after a half marathon. No chafing or pain, just complete support. I would advise having a proper fitting (if we ever get back to normal ) at Bravissimo which stocks Shock Absorber. I’ve found the M&S zip front fasteners no good at all even though they’re comfortable bras.
I have both the shock absorber and panache (non wire) sports bras from bravissimo! Both are good but I do love the shock absorber as your boobs don’t move in it! The sales assistant also mentioned that it’s what they sell to people for dressage / horse riding!
USA pro from sports direct - tip from my PT - buy the size smaller than you are and it holds it all together better (if you get my drift!!!). I usually wait till they are in the sales - no-one is ever likely to see them!!!
Brookes (the running shoe people) do really good bras for running. I’m about a 34F so a little on the larger side boob-wise bit these have no chafing, comfortable, adjustable straps, good cup padding and good temp control, and they wash well. My partner has a zip-front Brooks bra and loves it too.
Used to be able to wear Nike sports bras but they’ve really cut back the design and fabric in the last few years and I’d suggest that unless you’re tiny up top, don’t even bother.