I’ve suffered from Raynaud’s (extremities, usually fingers, turning white and, sometimes, purple, usually in quick changes of temperature) for as long as I can remember but I’ve only just become a winter runner. This evening I went out for a run (3 degrees) and wore a hat, neck warmer and gloves. Still, my 4th fingers were “frozen” for the whole run and when they started to thaw it was like they were being dipped in battery acid. Any recommendations for good running gloves or Raynaud’s sufferers tips?
Winter running with Raynaud’s - glove recomm... - Bridge to 10K
Winter running with Raynaud’s - glove recommendations?

I get a mild version of this - didn’t know it had a name! The best gloves I’ve found for running are some I found in our market. I think they’re called “feather” gloves. Very cheap & cheerful, in bright colours - kids often have them and also socks or hats or scarves of the same stuff. They do look feathery & are very soft - some poly-fabric I assume. Anyway they seem to trap heat really well; I put them on before leaving the house & they’ve done the trick for me. At £1 a pair, they are worth a try. Good luck.

What about these to put in your gloves. But I'm sure someone on here will recommend good gloves 🤗
Was there supposed to be a link or picture Buddy34 ?
Yes sorry 😂
Ah, good idea, thanks. Although I’m worried they will be too hot. Raynaud’s is more about change in temp than just about the cold. But might be worth a try.
You can get reusable ones of these too. They have a chemical reaction in them. To reset after use place in boiling water. Can’t find them online but should get in ski shops. I use them skiing and have been using for running but unfortunately mine is so old stopped working this morning and horrible consequences for me. See post earlier in day.

Ouch that’s not pleasant. I find gloves that go over the wrist help, plus a top with thumb holes. You can buy those handwarmer things too that you crack and boil up again which may help?

I have this too. I have to make sure that I finish my run fairly near to home so that I can get home before the freeze sets in! I bought some Aldi thermal running gloves about 2 weeks ago and they're great. Not sure if they'll still have them though as they're a special buy. They're quite loose which helps and there are holes in the thumb and first finger so you can poke the ends out for pressing buttons on tech and nose blowing. I'm generally roasting on a run even in winter and don't need a jacket. But my hands are usually dead at the start and at the end so the gloves have been good even though I take them off for some of the run.

Jenni Falconer the TV presenter - and very good runner 🙂- has this condition. She has her own clothing range too. Check her out 👍
I put a pair of Merino gloves on my wish list I have some bog standard run gloves but they don’t keep my hands warm at all

I have this condition as well 🙁
I have two pairs of gloves which I absolutely couldn’t be without on Winter runs. Both from Sports Direct, and I’m sorry I don’t know how to do links.
Karrimor X Lite MX Shield, windproof, moisture wicking, touch screen fingers. I wore these gloves yesterday on a run at 1c, but have worn them in much colder temperatures.
Karrimor X Lite MX Therm, thermal, moisture wicking, touch screen fingers. Last Winter I wore these gloves when the temperature way below freezing , in snow, sleet and hail.
I also carry a pack of the one use hand warmers someone recommended. I haven’t had to use them yet. They are in my running belt just in case.