Do any of you lady runners ever feel as if your bra is choking you round diaphragm when running and breathing I find it bad at times. Any suggestions x
Sports bra: Do any of you lady runners ever... - Bridge to 10K
Sports bra

Yes! I have this problem with my shock absorber bra, it used to be fine, but not any more. I've given up using it, and I've now got a non wired sports bra from marks and Spencer. Not so supportive but at least I can breathe! I was actually going to post a similar question. I'm wondering if I'm breathing deeper as I'm getting fitter and running longer distances? I'd love to know what's going on!
So not just me I’m glad to hear it. It can feel really uncomfortable I’m wondering if a tankini would give enough support
I wouldn't be happy with just a tankini but I guess it depends on your, em, assets!😁 I prefer to be in lockdown 😂 You could maybe try on lots of different styles, in different sizes, and do some deep breathing. I'm puzzled because I chose carefully and it was fine for months and suddenly isn't. Might try her majesty's advice before I give up on it, it was blooming expensive. Somewhere like marks will actually have quite a few in store to try, whereas sports shops can be a bit lacking.

It sounds as if your bra is a bit too tight. Although they're supposed to be snug they definitely shouldn't interfere with your breathing. Can you go down a notch on the fastening?
Washing the bra several times will loosen the band a bit but it would be quicker to buy a new one or add more hooks at the back. I did this once and it worked well.

I have found a similar thing with my new running bras. They are great for my really long runs and initially I was thinking it had to do with the hydration vest I wear on those runs just changing the pressure but suspect now it has more to do with breathing heavier and harder on my faster short runs. I love how they keep everything in place but might have to reserve them for my long slow runs.

I started with a fairly normal looking m&s sports bra but after running a while I found I was reducing in size - hooray. So I bought their zip up hold them flat job. Advice here is make sure you zip right to the top as it’s a bit disconcerting when you feel it unzipping during a run. 😂😂 It is snug though. Next time I will get measured for a shock absorber as they have been recommended on here.

I am a 36H or 34HH depending on the bra, and can’t run comfortably in anything other than the Shock Absorber multi bra. I would be wary of wearing a bra on a looser setting as the whole idea is to wear them as tight as possible, both to compress the ‘assets’ and to take the weight on the back rather than the shoulders. I am not sure why they would affect your breathing even if very tight.
I just feel it’s like a vice round my diaphragm maybe just getting used to outside and hilly runs been cooped up in gym on treadmill last few months. I started c25k jan 18 but this year I avoided the bad weather outside running in Scotland although last year I was out in all weathers doing it was much more motivated. However getting back into it again the bra thing is new so hopefully that feeling will pass maybe just need to get fitness up a bit again

Where does the band sit on your ribcage? It should be fairly tight, but around your ribs just under your breasts so shouldn't interfere with your breathing and diaphragm at all. Is it slipping down? Or is it too tight, in which case it will be uncomfortable, but still shouldn't compromise your diaphragm.
Perhaps a different style might be better. Hope you can find something that works.
I found this with my M&S underwire one recently, think I must’ve expanded a bit. So I took the plunge and bought a shock absorber ultimate run one. Even though it feels almost as tight when I first tried it on I found it really comfy after my park run and am very pleased with it.