After months of being in the 37/38s I decided to commit to running 3 x a week again and today I managed a time of about 34 mins (it did almost finish me off!!!). I ran with someone from my club who was acting as a sort of pacer (she is sub 25 normally) and she ran slightly ahead but kept checking on me. I couldn't believe it when I passed a 35 min pacer and kept assuming the pacer would overtake me later on- but she didn't!! Anyway, I'm on a it of a high now and determined to lose a pound or 2 this week, train twice and see how I get on next week. If I stick to 34-35 that will be awesome. Well done to everyone else who park-ran today! PS despite my best efforts, I couldn't catch up to my 10 year old son who, despite it being only his 4th ever parkrun, got a time of 33. I think he'll be overtaking his dad soon too!
Sub 35 parkrun- finally!: After months of... - Bridge to 10K
Sub 35 parkrun- finally!

Aw well done. All your hard work and dedication has paid off. I’m so pleased for you. 🏃♀️ 🍾 💫

Great effort that sounds like you had the perfect running buddy. Leave the 10year old to badk in the glory of beating you at something 😂 happy running 🤗
It was so hard but I'm delighted. I am over the moon for my son. He'll be sub 30 in no time. He's a string bean-just the right build for speed. It's lovely them getting into something other than ipads and playstations. I'm over the moon they are running (both boys, but the younger seems more keen at the moment).

Congratulations on getting a sub 35 minute 5K time at parkrun this morning, very kind of your running club friend to pace you considering that she can run sub 25 minutes regularly. 😊 🏃🏾
Your 10 years old son will soon be able to run a 5K in 30 minutes or less.
They are such a supportive group AMorr. I think they realised some of us were coasting a little, despite putting lots of work in at training. Another group leader ran with my friend and really motivated her too. My son is like a string bean. I think he will be racing ahead soon. He also has great strength of character and doesn't like to give up on anything. He's a superstar and I love that he's got into running too now.
Excellent & well done to your Son. Awesome that you all run! 🏃♀️ 🏃♂️🏃♂️
Thanks Annieapple. I feel really proud that I started the trend, too!!! I only started last August and now we're all running! My 10 year old is also doing the Torbay Half with his school (just over a mile a week at school, then they run the last mile with the rest of the half marathoners). I was so proud of him yesterday when he told me he had supported a younger child who wanted to give up. Looking forward to seeing them run that last mile!

That's fabulous, well done to you and to your son! I have never noticed official pacers at my local Parkrun but I often choose a particular runner to try and keep up with!
Good job, it’s great to smash those personal goals and so motivating to keep going 👏👍x
Thanks Mands50. I'm hoping to get to 30 by the end of the year! Such a great feeling xxx
Wow! Really well done! It’s hard to break through these time barriers. Today I ran about 2 minutes slower than my Parkrun PB and was still knackered, but I did enjoy the run and seeing the geese messing around in the ponds, and the feeling of a happy run. At times like that I try to remember it’s “finish lines, not finish times”!
Definitely - you are getting the miles in. I just felt ready to push myself today- quite often I like to have an easier run. I want to increase my distance next. I'm running about 6k twice during the week so I want to get more miles in. It's helping my mindset at work too. I'm slowly gaining confidence in my job.
That’s great to hear! I’ve noticed it really helps with stress, so even if don’t feel like going out I’ll try to get out a few times a week and once I start I almost always enjoy it. Having a physical confidence increase can really help in other areas of life. I did a training programme on an app that sent me out on some shorter runs too - it felt weird at first but it was actually good to mix it up a bit and it improved my speed on longer runs as I wasn’t keeping so much in the reserve tank when only going out for, say, 3km.

What a fantastic achievement! Well done!
Thank you Leosmit x
Awesome. Well done Beany. Nice that the whole family are running too. I wish I could get my 9 year old that motivated! 😊
My 14 year old is less so! He will run back home along the seafront but finds our local parkrun boring. It is, if I'm honest! I think it's good for them to find any exercise they enjoy - sometimes we have to trick them into it so they don't see it as exercise. We live in Torbay, so in the lighter months, spend lots of time on Dartmoor - it's free, the boys can run around and climb the tors and I get loads of steps in! Not so great in winter though!

Fantastic. Great work and well done on your PB. I run with my 10 year old Son too. He used to be pulling me along last Spring. But I managed to pass him out.
My first parkrun was about 39 minutes. I got down to 34 minutes and remember being so happy breaking the 35 minutes barrier. I hovered around 33-34 minutes for a long time. Last year I worked really hard, lost 2.5 stone and did some interval training. I wanted to run a sub 30 minute parkrun. I managed to get down to 25:36 which is my PB. I’m now running parkrun at around 28 to 29 minutes. My 10 year old Sons PB is 26:32. He will soon be leaving me behind again. I love running with my Son at parkrun.
Congratulations and very well done.
Wow! Well done on the weight loss and the 25.36! I'm trying to lose some weight too. If I can get 2 stones off I think it will make a big difference. Your son is doing great too! They'll be flying ahead of us soon....but that's how it should be! I love that my son is falling in love with running. I hope he keeps it up into his teens! Thank you damienair!!