Struggling with form lately and thanks to all the support with that but have to share my latest act of ideocy!- so after running shorter and slower for the last month I decided to try faster then if OK run a bit longer - so last run 28 mins for 5k and some walking etc to make the distance after so overall not so bad and a pb for 6k! BUT.. today went out and tried the same - ran 5k in 27.5 which I am quite proud of, had a min walk then started again but a bit slower - all looking good when my crummy music app packed up - looked down to sort it then when I looked up again I cracked my head on a low canal bridge - flattened me and the force made me bite down and crack some shards off at least two teeth!
Motto - concentrate on your running and not these ridiculous mobile phone which now dominate all our lives!