Today was the 5.5k. It had to be today if my tentative plan of doing the 5k at Parkrun remains viable. I loaded my son’s bike into the car and stood at the school gate in lycra, feeling tired.
I’m a bit heavy of heart at the moment. Big questions such as purpose and meaning of life are swirling around. In addition, I watched a documentary called ‘Gamechangers’ a couple of nights ago and haven’t touched animal products since. I can report that soy milk in tea is fine; almond milk is not. I have eaten lots of avacado and bananas and am thinking about cheese a lot. Every vegetarian dish I know seems to involve cheese. I like cheese... I feel I can’t even comfort eat comfortably.
Well, the 5.5k had to be done. I told myself this was going to be the very slow, easy run of the week, calm and controlled.
Off we went, down the river path, my son as usual chattering nine to the dozen, pointing things out, delightful and distracting. I had to stop several times to look at things being pointed out, to give him my gloves, to rescue him from a puddle... who am I kidding? I needed to stop! My pace was all over the shot - my km pace was 6’34”, 6’03”, 5’58”, 6’07”, 6’05”, then a 5’33” blast for the final 500m. Basically, I was doing intervals on the long run and as a consequence had to take a breather at practically every km. I feel like I have cheated.
Unsurprisingly I felt quite ill at the 3.5k mark and was in fact a bit sick. Snot was hanging out of my nose and I had a little gasping cry. But no one was coming to the rescue and my boy was just up ahead, so I wiped myself off and kept running.
And then a lovely thing happened. A man who I had seen running the other way 20 minutes earlier came back past and asked if I was ‘doing the London’? I am 99.9% sure this means he thought I was someone capable of running 26.2 miles. Clearly that question wouldn’t have been asked had he seen me 30 seconds earlier, but but but! I managed to gasp out ‘God no, just Parkrun!’ in reply before he and his angelic halo disappeared round the corner. And as I jogged on, smiling, I noticed how the sun was setting, the sound of the water, how gorgeous the trees looked in the pink light. And my lovely boy peddling ahead of me, pointing out the ducks and delighted to show me a little toy boat, set free on the river.