After completing C25k in June and doing a couple of weeks of consolidation runs, I seemed to tail off a bit. Had a holiday, it got very hot (i’m not great in heat), stuff just seemed to get in the way. I did manage to earn a medal for august’s race at your pace which kept me going (was hard work but needed to complete my kms). During September though I was down to just one run a week and felt I was losing the motivation and had all sorts of gremlins telling me I couldn’t do it, I was unfit, I had left it too long. I started to believe the little critters. The weather was wet, mornings were darker and I just had no urge to get out there. I had a word with myself and went for a run last Saturday morning - not too early - it was light. I managed only 15 mins but I had got out. This week I did 20 minutes on Thursday after work (felt bit better) and today I went out for a full 30 mins! I had only intended to run for 25 (used Laura to keep me going). When she said “just one minute left” my fave running song came on my playlist and i just thought “ I’m carrying on”. And I did just that. 30 mins non stop running - I’ve still got it and I feel proud. Just wanted to share this in case I need to remind myself in the future that gremlins don’t win. 😊👍🏃🏻♀️
I’ve still got it!: After completing C25k in... - Bridge to 10K
I’ve still got it!

Just getting out of the house is a really big step, but once you do get out it begins to feel good again.

It really does!

It's great to post as you say just to remind yourself that you can do it and have still got it . 😊😊

Well done you. It’s harder to get out there now the nights are drawing in. Have you thought of doing Bridge to 10km? Or Parkrun coz once you’ve got runny friends they keep keep you going? Or a local running group?
I keep thinking of doing Park Run and have my bar codes ready but just haven’t got there yet. I will soon.
I love park run. I was daunted at first but after my first one I wished I’d done it sooner. My tip would be to go for a run on your own in the park where park run is happening and perhaps join them for a little bit of the course - that way you’ll see there are runners and walkers and those that do both - and hopefully a nosy round without pressure will get you ready to try it properly the week after. It’s great fun and keeps me motivated
Thank you that’s a good idea. I could go as a spectator to see how it all works and might feel prepared for the week after. Good plan 😊.
I inadvertently gate crashed one! I dropped my daughter off in Manchester at 8:30 and decided I was going to have a jog round the lake at Platt Fields Park nearby. When I started I saw a gang of runners so I went the other way but our paths kept crossing so it was easier to just run with them - ducked out before the finish but it gave me the confidence to realise I could do it.
Well done you xx

iangoughmusic-my.sharepoint... Come and join us if you're anywhere nearby.
Thanks that’s kind of you. I live in the south so a bit far to come for me.
Hi. Not sure where you are but Winchester has a completely flat run so great for beginners and lots of friendly people to encourage you along.

Hi I’m in Buckinghamshire and there are 2 near me - it’s just getting out there and doing it for the first time - I’ll make it one day 😊.
Hey, @BaddieThePirate, can I gatecrash sometime? You have my local Parkrun (Stamford Park) on your list but I think I can easily join some of the others too. Be nice to meet irl as the kids say.

Nice running. You bashed those gremlins good and proper. Happy running.
It always feels a bit harder to get out when the days are drawing in - but you've clearly still got what it takes 😊.

And that’s what makes you a runner Janice! Finding it all clicks into place all of a sudden. Really well done getting out there and enjoying it! 👏👏👏

Hey Janice, well done for not giving up. Have you thought about joining a parkrun or a running club or a local running meet-up? I’ve found if I have at least one social run a week it keeps me going. It is harder with the nights getting darker earlier, how about a early morning run or a lunchtime run? I’ve shifted my running schedule around the last few weeks because of the shorter days, I think I have got a working system now.

That's it! Tell the little critters who is Boss! 👍🏻💪🏻😁