Bit of advice, please. Some of you will have seen my lamentations on C25K, and I have decided to take a week’s break after this Saturday’s Parkrun. After my rest, I will commence Ju-Ju’s Magic Plan. My question is, I can already run for at least 45 minutes (albeit very slowly, and with loads of effort) because that’s how long it takes me to do 5k, so, which plan do I follow? Thank you in advance! 😀
Ju-Ju’s Magic Plan: Bit of advice, please... - Bridge to 10K
Ju-Ju’s Magic Plan

I was in the same situation so I followed distance version. My reasoning was that, timewise, I would be already in the middle of the plan.
But that's just me and the goals I had.

I’m doing 10K app by zen labs it’s free and it’s working as I already started it after I found out about Ju-Ju’s magic plan but just take your time it’s not a race enjoy it 😉

I am at a very similar stage to yourself (and similar speed), maybe a couple of weeks behind. I too was looking at this plan, and intending to go for the distance version.

I'd agree - if you can run 5k already, it seems to make more sense to me to use distance. Assuming you do want to run further, of course - it's not compulsory

I'd also go for distance, if you're already running for 45 minutes another 15 minutes probably won't challenge you enough but another 5k, well that just might...!

Just follow the distance one..the more you run...the more it evolves ..I know I can run a HM...but coming back from injury..I followed Magic 10 yet again...great practice and consolidation

Agree that you should go for distance. I started with the time plan and ended up switching.

I’d go for distance but give some thought to using run / walk intervals as a way of building up your distance. 90 minutes without some walking breaks is an awful long slog. I know from personal experience, that’s how long it takes me to do 10k! I didn’t use the magic plan, it wasn’t around when I bridged to 10k, but I don’t think it would have worked for me anyway.
So how did you do it? The Magic Plan does seem rather like hard work! 😳
2 or 3 runs a week. One of these a long run as below. 2nd run 5k parkrun. 3rd run when I could fit it in just a short (20-30 minutes) faster run or speed intervals.
Long run:
Week 1: 6k as 3x2k running blocks with 2 minutes walk in between
Week 2: 6k as 2x3k running blocks with 2 minutes walk in between
Week 3: 7k as 2k, 3k, 2k blocks with 2 minutes walk in between
Week 4: 8k as 4x2k running blocks with 2 minutes walk in between
Week 5: 8k as 3k, 3k, 2k running blocks with 2 minutes walk in between
Week 6: 9k as 3x3k running blocks with 2 minutes walk in between
Week 7: 10k as 5x2k running blocks with 2 minutes walk in between
Week 8: 10k as 2x5k running blocks with 2 minutes walk in between.
I used the same method to train for the Great South Run (10 miles) eventually running it in 4 or 5 blocks.