Hello bridleway, hello birdsong, hello noise of traffic from the bypass, hello (sort of) running! To quote Celine Dion, It's all coming back to me!
I did comeback run #2 this morning. Oh, yes. It's taken me a while to get around to posting, I've been trying to scan multiple pages into a single document and computer says no. Hmph! (Not running related, just my life!)
So today I remembered my Garmin. Easy to spot, it's the big blue one on the right with the easy to read screen and no cracked glass. Good start!
I did a very thorough legwaving warm-up, my glutes were truly activated - and set off. The weather made it easier for a start - a nice cooling breeze. After my 5 minute warm-up walk, I began to run really slowly, until Garmin beeped for the first k. It had taken me 8 minutes. Could feel a little pull in my thigh muscle so walked a little until it eased off. Love that watch! Continued running until the 2k marker, turned around, pausing only to take a picture of the bridleway I was on for you guys, and realised that yes, everything was doing what it should! Speed was a little faster - down to 7.30, and my lungs, although complaining, definitely felt capable of sustaining more than a mouse. So that's progress! I stopped at 3.5k as advised, thank you all so much for the encouragement, and walked home feeling - well maybe not Rocky at the top of the steps, but pretty good! Still got some way to go, but I'll get the measure of it.
Oh and I've just noticed the date, and it's the 1st anniversary of my c25k graduation parkrun! Yay!!!!!