Today was my 5k run for week 7 and I set off in normal route on my warm up walk. 2 mins in and my HR was already 135. I’d set myself a target of below 150 and preferably about 130. ( it should be 110-120 but baby steps....
I had to walk really slowly and breathe slow and deeply too and it came down to I went again and then it was time to run. So difficult to run slowly. It shot up again to 145 and climbing so I slowed to brisk walk breathing slowly and it dropped again. It was trial and error this morning and the one good thing I’d say is that I was concentrating so much on my HR that the run went by quite quickly and although it took longer to run it seemed like a quick easy 5k.
My average, when I checked at home, was 140 bpm so I have some work to do to get it down to where I want it but I am going to attempt it again on Friday for my 2nd 9k run.
One of the good things was I managed to run the whole 5k breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth rather than just mouth breathing the whole way and it seemed really easy going except for the effort of “ reining myself in”.
Added bonus - NO RED FACE!!!