Running really is the best therapy... - Bridge to 10K

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Running really is the best therapy...

Sadie-runs profile image
68 Replies

Hello lovely running fiends :-)

So, I had the hardest week at work last week, when it was announced that the department I work in was going to be restructured, and job losses would be occurring as a result. My job is one of those at risk, as is one out of the 6 people that report into me. :-( So, we are all going to be skills assessed next week and will know by Thursday who gets to keep their job or not. I spent the last couple of days talking to my team, trying to reassure them, talk them through what is going to happen, all the while trying to get my head around losing my own job of 20 years. Sad, stressful times. By Saturday, I was so fatigued, it was unreal. Must be the come down of all the adrenaline rushing my body on Thursday and Friday. Last thing I felt like doing was running, so I wasn't too disappointed when I woke up to heavy winds and rain yesterday…I spent the day at home, napped and watched a film, and generally tried to pull myself together.

But today, I woke up after the first good night's sleep in ages, laced up and headed out with my favourite music and no set idea of how far I was going to run, or how fast. It felt good to be back out in the fresh air, the woodland around me, the sun trying to break through. I established a nice steady pace and my body felt okay. Felt a bit tearful halfway around, but kind of in a good way. Got to 8k and felt like I could go on. Hadn't eaten breakfast, but had brought a Blueberry Muffin flavoured Nakd bar with me, so snacked on that (I trying out different fuels for long runs in prep for a HM in Sept), happy to say that sat very well on my stomach so gets the thumbs up for HM day!

I ended up running 10k in 1:05, and I was happy with that. More than that, I was happy for the head space and equilibrium the run gave me. Running gave me peace, and I am so grateful to have it in my life now. Running for me is truly the best therapy.

Came back for breakfast and watched a bit of the London Marathon on TV – inspiring!

Hope that you have all had good runs this weekend.

Sadie-runs xxx

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Sadie-runs profile image
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68 Replies
linda9389 profile image

Oh no, very stressful times for you. Sounds like the 'me time' was very important today. Good luck over the coming week - remember, whatever happens, the running - and the peace and equilibrium it brings - will be there waiting for you. Will be thinking of you x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to linda9389

Thanks so much, Linda. ❤️

David_G profile image

Hi Sadie, that’s sad news about you and your colleagues’ jobs. It’s so unsettling when this sort of thing happens. Very best wishes to you all. I hope it works out for you🙂👍

Glad you managed to get out for a run. I’ve always found it so good for giving me time and space to think things through.

Very best of luck for the future. Keep running! 🏃‍♀️👍👏👏

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to David_G

Thank you, David. x Next week is going to even tougher, but I will plan in some runs for sure, as it truly does help.

Tjcp profile image

I second what Linda has written below. Good luck for the coming week and I'm glad that a good run helped you out today. Fingers crossed!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Tjcp

Aw, thank you so much, Tjcp. Your kind thoughts are truly appreciated. x

mrrun profile image

'Restructuring' is the one process l deplore. I've managed to duck some such events and none was a bundle of laughs. Losing people around you is never fun. In my previous life the solace would be a very different place but now, like you, l just go out and pound the ground. Once you're out there your body and mind are grateful. Good luck!

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to mrrun

Thanks mrrun. It is vile. If I get to keep my job, it will suck as I will be expected to do twice the work I do now, so a big part of me wants the redundancy option, as it is more palatable to what I would be left with. I stand to get a good a part of me also thinks that I could use the extra free time to train for my HM. 😁 And yup, there was a time when stress like this would have had me reaching for the bottle, but honestly, a run is now my go to, thankfully.

Interstellar profile image

Hello Sadie, sorry to hear about your work woes. You will be fine...usually when one door closes another opens!!

Snap... i went out aiming for 7k today but did 10k... i need to get an inhaler as hayfever is taking its toll on my chest and I'm ridiculously wheezy!!

I am almost ready to book my HM in September also... watching the London Marathon is really inspirational!! Running is without doubt the best medicine for my mental health.

Have a good week and keep your chin up!!

Rekha x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Interstellar

Thanks so much, Rekha. x And yes, I am trying to see it as a door opening to new opportunities and trying to stay positive.

The hay fever season is upon us, and I do feel so bad for those who suffer it. Poor you. 🙁 Enter the HM! Nothing like a new milestone to aim for! 😁

Jay66UK profile image

Sorry to hear you are going through this but glad you’ve found running helped today. I hope things go the way you want but remember change does bring new opportunities. Enjoy your next run x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Thanks Jason, so much. Part of me is excited by the idea of change, but a bigger part of me feels rather floored. 🙁 But I know I have my running to soothe me through any hard times. 👍 xxx

Jay66UK profile image
Jay66UKGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Unwanted disruption feels awful. Whatever happens, the sun still rises and sets each day and other things continue. Embrace what you can’t change; don’t panic about what you can’t control. Much love x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Jay66UK

Oh Jason, what a lovely thing to say. I shall keep hold of that thought. Such good advice. Thank you so much. 💕

Gran4z profile image

Will be thinking of you Sadie this week. So tough, difficult times ahead for you and your team too. When things get tough let the running take the strain every now and then, and be kind to yourself...difficult when you have a team to support too.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Gran4z

Oh bless you, thanks so much for your kind words. I need to hear all this, it’s really helping. xxx

Shakywakey profile image

It is such a tough process to go through. I am going through something similar and have felt really unsettled- running has been such a great tonic for me.

Good luck- I hope it all works out for you. Keep running. It truly is the best therapy 👏👏

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Shakywakey

Unsettled, that’s exactly how I feel, Shaky. 😧 Sorry to hear you are going through similar challenges. I am not great with change. Pffft. x

Flyingred profile image

Sorry to hear your job's under threat. Best of luck for your skills assessment when it comes. I agree with you, running really is a great destresser. As I've learned more about what helps improve my running (diet, sleep, meditation) and put it into practice I'm finding that I'm much calmer and more resilient at work. And getting the running shoes on and going out for a solitary hour on the trail is the best therapy I know.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Flyingred

Thank you, Flyingred. I first started running to help with low-level depression, and it worked a treat. It has also made me feel much more resilient. 👍 Thank goodness we have this! x

Fishypieface profile image

Bloody Nora SR that's really crap :( there seems to be a lot of this going on at the mo (similar stuff where I work but not directly my dept.... yet, although word on the street is that we will all be axed once the contract we are on is over, in a couple of years). So sorry you are going through that, it's a really horrible process and not very fair at all. I hope it works out best for you. Be thinking of you this week xx p.s. work nastiness aside - fab time on the 10k. Glad that helped - it really does help us cope when everything is out of control doesn't it.... very grounding. Good luck with everything xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Fishypieface

Bloody Nora indeed, FPF. Pffffft. Worse thing is, it will be sh*t if I stay, and a little bit sh*t if I go. I’d rather go, but there’s that fear of being out of work for the first time in my adult life. I hope the word on the street re: your job is not true. Words on streets can be wrong. And thanks re: my 10k. I was pleased with that too, as usual my runs suffer when I’m stressed. This one really soothed my soul, thankfully. Phew. Thanks for your lovely reply. xxx

SaskAlliecat profile image

I am so sorry to hear of your week. How stressful for you and your colleagues. I am glad you have running (and these forums) to turn to during this challenging time. Take care of yourself and run when you can to help clear the mind. We're with you.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to SaskAlliecat

This forum is amazing, Sask. I was in two minds about whether to mention it (feels a bit self indulgent), but there is always so much kindness and support here, and I do need some of that right now. You guys have helped me so much, yet again. 😊 Thanks my lovely. xxx

Horrible times Sadie-runs. I think that when everything feels out of control it is good to have something that you can influence.

Hang on in there. Sometimes being pushed into change is painful but liberating. Take care x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to

I agree, Helen, and think that’s why today’s run felt so good and so calming, after a few days that felt so out of my control. Thank you so much for your kind reply. I have a massive fear of change, but in my heart know that it can lead to better things. xxx

in reply to Sadie-runs

We probably all hate change, but it is inevitable. Good luck x

Dexy5 profile image

Good luck next week Sadie , it’s a horrible thing for you and your colleagues to be going through. I’m glad that you can put those running shoes on and escape from it. 🏃‍♀️...............💩

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Dexy5

Thanks dear Dexy. I am so glad I have running in my life to help me get through all this. xxx

Aspire24 profile image

Feel for you Sadie as been through similar a few times. It’s hard supporting others when you’re limbo too🙁. At least sounds like you’ll know one way or other soon, easy to say and hard to do but change does present opportunities 🤞. Your run sounds fab, the most I’ve done is 6k and on the IC with a dodgy knee so will cheer you on from the sidelines 🏃‍♀️

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Aspire24

Oh, thank you so much, Aspire24. x I really do care about my little team of editors, they are all so dedicated and talented that it breaks my heart that one of them is going to lose their job. 🙁 And yes, on top of that getting my head around me potentially going is hard. But whatever, I will manage. Change can be good, even if it’s forced. Thank god they are moving quick on it, too. That’s one blessing. Hope you heal from dodgy knee soon. If it’s one thing I have learned in my 20 months of running, it’s to be patient and philosophical about injury. It will pass, you’ll get stronger, and you will run again. x

JonathanP profile image

Very sorry to hear your news - having been in a similar situation in the past, I think the worst thing is the lack of control you often feel that you have. Glad you were able to be proactive and create some positivity through your run. All the best for next week.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to JonathanP

Thanks Jonathan, your kind words are so appreciated. Running felt SO positive after a really negative few days. It is my constant during a time of change. x

Coddfish profile image

Sorry to hear that Sadie and glad running helped.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Coddfish

Thank you, Coddfish. The overwhelmingly lovely support from good people such as yourself on here has really helped. x

orangeguy profile image

Really sorry to read of your work problems Sadie, I've been in a similar situation myself some years ago so I know the stress. I hope there is some better news this coming week, and yes, do keep running.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to orangeguy

Thank you OG. This is the first time for me, so I guess in a way I am lucky - I work in publishing and they frequently restructure and lay people off. x

Deals1 profile image

Ohh no. Sorry to hear u r having a really tough time. Restrictures are awful.

Hope next week goes ok, not too stressful and u get what u want.


Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Deals1

Thanks dear Deals. I don’t even really know what outcome I want, which makes it even more confusing! But as it’s out of my control anyway, well, I should just try and be calm I suppose! x

Deals1 profile image
Deals1Graduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Mm... Well u cant change the outcome just how u deal with it. It is difficult. I've been thro a few and not known the result I've wanted till the end. But once I decided that was it. Just try and keep calm, even harder tho when u r supporting Yr team. Your running should help. Ps I'm a right stress head and should listen to my own advice at times.!!

molly1973 profile image

So sorry you’re having a crappy time. Work stresses are all-consuming. So glad you found solace in your running shoes x

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to molly1973

Thanks so much, Molly. That run was the one time I just wasn’t thinking about it, and it was such a relief. Thank goodness for running! x

Anniemurph profile image

Oh, I'm so sorry about this. Uncertainty is so stressful. Sure, the actual news is awful, if it comes, but then you know and can make plans. Not knowing, and having to go through a skills assessment - gah. The very best wishes to you, and to your team also.

I'm glad your run went so well. It's a great solace, and I hope you can keep some time free for you and running. Sometimes it feels as though it's self-indulgent and there are other more important things to do, but actually, getting out there and getting our heads back in gear is the kindest thing we can do for ourselves. Hugs xx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Anniemurph

Oh you are lovely, thank you for this. And thank you for understanding. Running has given me much needed coping skills, that’s for sure. x

Anniemurph profile image
AnniemurphGraduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

Pianism profile image

So sorry to hear about your work situation... as an HR manager and also someone who left a long-running job by reasons of redundancy, I've been on both sides of the table on that one. Whatever the outcome, life has a way of providing us with opportunities and I know your team will be very appreciative of the time you are spending on them.

As for the running, yes it's definitely great therapy, and one of the healthiest ways I know of to escape. :)

Hope everything goes OK for you this week.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Pianism

Thank you so much, Pianism. We have a fantastic HR team at my company, so I am grateful for that. I am genuinely fond of my team; they are all incredibly talented and hard working, I am determined to be there for them. And you are right - when one door closes, there is always a window with a rusty lock to be prised open. 😊 x

grumpyoldgirl profile image

So sorry you're having to cope with this, I hope that running continues to help. In my pre running days, I would take myself out for a walk, but running is even better for head clearing. Hope this week goes as well as it can, try not to dwell on things you can do nothing about, and you'll be ready to cope with whatever comes your way.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to grumpyoldgirl

Thanks dear grumpyoldgirl. 😘 My run yesterday really helped; I focussed on my breathing, the nature around me and how my body felt. And for that hour, I felt free of worries and racing thoughts. Thank you for your kind wishes. x

Kertesz profile image

Hi Sadie, so sorry to read of your work difficulties and I hope that the outcome this week is the one that works best for you. It’s so true what you write though... whenever I’m having a down or difficult day, I pull on my trusty runners and get out there... it’s the simplicity of it I love... the ‘just me and nature’ and the feeling that no one can ‘get me’ while I’m running!! 😉

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Kertesz

Totally that feeling! Running is such a wonderful escape when things just feel too much. Thank you so so much for your kind and thoughtful reply. x

Pancakes86 profile image

Sorry to hear you're going through a tough time at work, but glad some rest and a great run gave you some headspace. I feel exactly the same about running. Fingers crossed for you.

(and thanks for the tip on the Nakd bar, I'm looking for fuel options and hadn't thought of that)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Pancakes86

Thanks Pancakes, much appreciated. 😘 The Nakd bar worked a treat I am pleased to say! Soft and easy to eat on the run, and tasty. Made mostly with dates and figs etc, so lots of good energy and sat nicely in tum. 👍 They do some amazing flavours, too.

Pancakes86 profile image
Pancakes86Graduate10 in reply to Sadie-runs

I think I've had a rhubarb and custard one before, so def adding that to my shopping list!

Irishprincess profile image

Aw Sadie, that's such bad news, I feel for you. It's the uncertainty of it all and fear of the unknown that makes it so hard for everyone affected. Once you know what's happening for sure it's easier to deal with.

Much of my career was spent restructuring companies and I know how horrible it can be and have seen grown men cry, but many of these same people went on to totally different careers in some cases and thrived. Your attitude will get you through and of course you have to be strong for your team.

It's never easy but I hope you have good support within the company to help you and your team through it all. Don't underestimate how much of an emotional upheaval this will be during the process and for a time afterwards as well. I know you will be sensible but remember to take care of yourself, eat well, sleep well and of course keep running!

I've been a casualty a few times myself and can tell you that it's never the end, just the beginning of something new.

Big hugs to you, keep strong xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Irishprincess

Thank you so much, dear princess, for your very thoughtful reply. You have hit the nail on the head, it is the uncertainty that is so painful/hard to deal with right now. Trying to act all "business as usual" while this is going on is also incredibly challenging, but am putting a brave face on it for the sake of those around me also at risk. I fluctuate wildly by being scared that they won't make me redundant, to worrying about what the future will look like if I am made redundant! ( (If that makes any sense). I don't want to stay, then at times I do want to stay (but those are far fewer!). Trying to let go of these thoughts as it is all out of my control anyway! This is where running comes in very handy, as it is the one time I just don't think about it at all.

Thanks again. This forum has overwhelmed me with lovely messages of support, I am so grateful. xxx

Wimborne profile image

Oh Sadie what tough times for you and I agree it is just the best therapy. Hang on in there in the weeks ahead. And don’t forget. Keep running.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Wimborne

Thank you so much, Wimborne. 😘 Going for a run first thing tomorrow to help me deal with the day ahead. At least I can start from a place of calm. 😊

Runningroni profile image

Life has a nasty habit of throwing some of us unwanted stress and disruption, whilst others sail through life without a care. Those of us who have dealt with problems in my opinion emerge stronger. Keep your pecker up and your running shoes handy. Glad you found some comfort in the run. Good luck in the coming week.

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Runningroni

Thanks Runningroni. 😘 Yes, I think once I get through this, I will be fine, if not stronger. Just got to hang in on there for a few days - and run when I can for that much needed release. Phew. Thank you for your kind message. x

johnm12 profile image

That's really tough. Have been through something similar and it all worked out for me so I hope it does for you too! Great that you motivated yourself to get out for a run. Really helps clear the head doesn't it?

Take care and best wishes

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to johnm12

Thank you John, your kind words are much appreciated! I got out for a lovely 5k this morning and it really does help. 😊

Elfe5 profile image

Hi Sadie, I have been thinking of you all through this week & sending big hugs to you. Mr E went through this type of thing too & after the “gulp” bit, & the “time to reflect & regroup” bit, then came the opening of new doors & discovery of new adventures.

Be kind to yourself & go gently...and of course enjoy your running. 😘 Xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Elfe5

Aw, thank you so much, dearest Elfe. I like hearing tales of how people have come through this and gone on to better things. Running has been a real help with all the stress of this, I must say. I found out yesterday that I have lost my job. I am a little bit in shock, but mostly relieved to be honest. 😊 I will be fine. Thank you so much for your kind message of support. xxx

Bluebirdrunner profile image

So sorry to hear your news Sadie, and I understand how this will have knocked your confidence. Big hug to you.

I'm glad you have your running, and you know you have the support of all your running fiends on here😈😊xxx

Take some time adjusting and be kind to yourself. Thinking of you. 😊xxx

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to Bluebirdrunner

Thank you so much for your kind message, Jan, much appreciated. 😘 I do need time to adjust, it is a big change for me, having worked for the same company for 20 years. But I am doing my best to be positive. The support on here has been amazing. Change can be good, that’s what I keep telling myself! xxx

mrrun profile image

20 years? Run away from there, Sadie, run!!! ;)

Sadie-runs profile image
Sadie-runsGraduate10 in reply to mrrun

LOL! Good response. 😁

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