Those are not words which I ever thought would come out of my mouth, but they did and I have. After a week off The Bridge, because of my granddaughter’s hospitalisation, I thought I would get out there today and do the longest run because next week will be full on. 10k really is possible now for me, in fact probable. (Ooh hark at you Lexi) Bright Lycra, great music, comfy shoes and VBR’s cheering me on. Just the best 🥰
Its been a funny ole and not so funny January. I did Red January and apart from two days in the month didn’t exercise at all, so not a bad result. I didn’t opt for the RED tee shirt, really wanted one, but I thought the cost of posting to New Zealand was probably expensive and the money was better spent in the UK, but when I received my starter pack with red laces, they were just as good. I signed up for my first virtual race/distance 25 miles for February, so today 9k (5miles? gone) 👍
Granddaughter has had a bit of a setback from her appendix op, temperature spiked infection/fluid/pus?and she is now on IV antibiotics until Monday and then they will decide if she needs another op 🤞for not. She is still cheerful and peeved that she’s missed the first week of school after the long summer break. She must get that from her father’s side/daughter’s ex 😂 - Nerd! I’m impressed though seriously.
Take care everyone in the snow and the ice, just think of the alternative if dreadmills hadn’t been invented and if you haven’t got access to one, the runs really will wait for you Xx
Meant to say that there was only two days in which I didn’t exercise in January. Sheesh! 9k euphoria.