So I gave Roseabi’s half marathon plan a go but pulled out after finding the 12k run a real struggle, seeing the distances ramp up, and not really enjoying the non-“just running” parts (which I know I really should be doing). It’s a great programme but I’m not just not ready for it yet.
But I do need a plan/focus/target to work towards.
In the new (February) Runner’s World there is a fantastic little booklet and it talks about “base running”, 5 running days which support a longer weekend run. As I only run 3 times a week, 6 seems quite the leap. But 5 across 7 days might be doable?
It’s split as 40/20/20/10/10% of the weekly total.
For a 10k long run that means a couple of 5k runs and a couple of 2.5k runs. Based on my regular pattern that would be adding the two 2.5k.
Doing that in week one would break the 10% the first week would need just 4 runs.
Going forward, my current interim goal is to run 16k/10 miles. I figure increasing the long run by 1k every week or every second week would work. This increases the total each week by 2.5k, exactly 10% moving from 10k to 11k and then under 10% each subsequent week.
Broken down into a plan it would start like this (taken in a “sensible” order):
Week 1: 2.5k; 5k x2; 10k
Week 2: 2.5k x2; 5k x2; 10k
Week 3: 2.75k x2; 5.5k x2; 11k
From then on it would depend how well the long run had gone. Well? Push on to the next week. Difficult? Stay on that week. Really hard? Consider dropping back a week.
Subsequent weeks would be:
3k x2; 6k x2; 12k
3.25k x2; 6.5k x2; 13k
and so on ending 4k x2; 8k x2; 16k
You will notice no intervals or strength exercises in there. Of course they are important and of course I will be doing them*.
It would mean consecutive running, probably a two day and a three day streak. And the order of the runs and running days could mix about to fit in with work etc. And one of the middle runs could be a parkrun plus a little before or after added on.
How does that look?
Enjoy your next run, whatever it is x
*I’m lying, sorry.