I'd like to work back up to 10km and Razouski has motivated me to set a date by which to achieve this... so I've committed to aiming for another 10km by the end of Feb. Thank you Razouski!
I did a 6km run yesterday including a hard uphill at the start of my run up the bottom of Mount Archer. Then back down and on to the flat. Then I found the road I was following started undulating but kept running until I reached 5km before turning for home which gave me another km to get 'home'. I was very tired on the last km as the sun was coming out and heating everything up. Top temp yesterday was 31.
Walked 5km this morning with my Godfather to get the newspaper. Legs all ok, no muscle aches. 24 deg and 75% humidity.
Now, do you want a photo of a road going uphill, or some sulphur crested cockatoos?🙃