Lovely Lucerne : Had a flying visit to... - Bridge to 10K

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Lovely Lucerne

Razouski profile image
32 Replies

Had a flying visit to Lucerne on Monday with the choir, to sing at the Lucerne Festival. I’d packed my running kit, knowing that there would hopefully be a gathering of the running club.

The concert was brilliant, and therefore required celebrating with several glasses of wine, so it was with a bit of a heavy head that I woke bright and early on Tuesday morning, trying my hardest not to disturb my room mate who was doing her best impression of Sleeping Beauty. Fortunately I am no handsome prince and had no intention of awakening her with a kiss (especially as she’d drunk considerably more than me and there was a definite smell of last night’s booze hanging above her bed.

I’d actually had enough presence of mind to put my kit in the bathroom before we’d left the hotel to go to the concert hall, so it took me no time at all to get myself ready and down to reception in time to have a cup of tea, and do some warm up stretches before meeting up with the rest of the group. What a motley few we must have looked, all slightly jaded, to say the least.

But once we got outside the sun was shining and we were soon running through the streets of the old town, down towards the lake and back to the concert hall for a quick team photo before setting off around the edge of the lake. Hangovers were soon forgotten, as the sight of the sun coming up behind the mountains was breathtaking. The water of the lake was a deep blue and so still, and I soon got into a comfortable rhythm, managing to keep up with the youngsters who somehow had summoned up a top up of energy. I even managed to talk a little ( novel for me as I’m usually a lone runner).

Pretty soon we were running up a wooded hill, and my conversation became completely incomprehensible, all I could hear was the rasping and wheezing of my breath as my lungs tried to convince me to stop and walk, but my head told me to keep up with the boys. I just about held my own, and then we were back out in the sunshine and gazing up at the impressive Pilates Mountain. One of the basses broke into a falsetto, “The hills are alive with the sound of music. 🎶 “

He was no Julie Andrews, but was disappointed when we didn’t join in. I was on,y able to sing a section from One Little Girl and a Lonely Goat Herd. “Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo.” was about all I could manage while gasping for breath. No wonder they do all that yodelling in the mountains. I couldn’t do anything else!

After another quick photo stop we were then running back down towards the lake and past the house at Tribschen which had belonged to Richard Wagner. It’s such a love,y setting it’s no surprise he was inspired to compose his famous Ring Cycke here.

A quick run around it’s grounds and we were then headed back towards the city. The morning was hitting up and the water of the lake looked so inviting. Another of the basses suggested we stop on the beach for an impromptu swim. I swear basses have more fun and fewer inhibitions than us sopranos, so I said I would maybe paddle and take a couple of photos. 1 alto kicked off her shoes and went in in her kit, tenors ripped of their shirts and ran into the water in shorts. I took the photos... but not for long. Throwing caution to the wind off came my shoes, socks, shorts and top!!! And I was in..💦

And it was sensational, swimming I. The cleanest clearest water I’ve ever seen outside, with the most magnificent backdrop, it was totally exhilarating.

Even the 2km run back to the hotel was fine, despite putting my kit on over my wet underwear, it didn’t matter. We were all on a major high, and doubly pleased to have covered a respectable 10k and all before 9 am.

Hangover - what hangover? This was definitely the best cure ever for that morning after the night before feeling. 😀

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Razouski profile image
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32 Replies
SaskAlliecat profile image

What a great cure for a hangover .... a gorgeous run, followed by swimming in your skivvies. Way to throw caution to the wind. I love it!

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to SaskAlliecat

It was fantastic. Running in Luton today seemed a little lacklustre by comparison. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Sadie-runs profile image

😁 Oh this is what it’s all about! How lovely, Razouski! Brilliant write up, too. 👏👏👏

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Sadie-runs

Thanks Sadie. Yes, running on tour makes all the local runs worthwhile, and it’s a lovely way to get to know other members of the choir.

Irishprincess profile image

Sounds fab. Gorgeous photos 🙂

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Irishprincess

It was lovely running with a group, and such marvellous scenery. I was on cloud nine all day.

ju-ju- profile image

How fabulous and such lovely pics too

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to ju-ju-

Thanks Ju-ju. Scenery was breathtaking... oh no, it was running up hills that was breath taking - literally. 😂😂

Dexy5 profile image

What a wonderful time you’ve had razouski and the photos are lovely. Your room mate didn’t know what she was missing .


Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Dexy5

She was still asleep when I got back and showered and even when I got back from breakfast she was only just waking up.

We’re next going on tour in February to Amsterdam and I’m already wondering about where we will run (I suppose I really should be thinking about learning the music as a priority 💁🏽‍♀️)

pianoteacher profile image

That sounds fab Razouski! Beautiful pictures too 😍

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to pianoteacher

It was a repeat of the Ravel concert we did at the Proms. The concert hall there is amazing, right on the edge of the lake and with a super acoustic. The run was the icing on the cake!

David_G profile image

Lovely post Razouski. Well done for the photos too. Seems like a great place 👍🙂

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to David_G

It was beautiful.

ChrisAllen1 profile image

Sounds ..... Perfect

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to ChrisAllen1

I think it was. I was buzzing all day!

Joy57 profile image

Sounds lovely Razouski! I was in Lucerne 2 years ago, just an overnight stop on the way to Lake Garda and I was only on week 5 or 6 of c25k at the time and not feeling confident enough to run in an unfamiliar place. Now I wish I had!

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Joy57

It was really thrilling in such a lovely setting. 😀

Agelesslass profile image

Amazing experience, one you will never forget. Incredible.

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Agelesslass

That will certainly be with me for a long while, and we really bonded as a running group too.

It's been a while since I've seen a post from you, but it was well worth the wait! wonderful descriptions, lovely photos, and I'm assuming you all had waterproof sports watches! x

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to

I know it's been a while, life just seems to have been so busy, what with schlepping and out of London for rehearsals and concerts for the proms and for Lucerne, getting my kitchen replaced, more work than usual, etc so haven't had much time to post. But I have been running and I have a tight schedule as I've entered the Windsor Autumn Half Marathon which is in October, so need to get my distance back up again. Yesterday was 15km in 1 hour 25mins, but my legs are aching today.

in reply to Razouski

Go you! i well remember your post when you did a half, shortly after your stinging nettle posts i think

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to

It was around that time - well remembered. I haven't run that distance in ages, as I broke my thumb and then it was too hot.

My worst worry isn't so much the distance but running in an organised event - which is not my favourite thing to do at all! :-)

Abaggs profile image

Fantastic, sounds wonderful and lovely photos 😆

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Abaggs

Thanks Abaggs , I just want to go back and do it again.

Slinkymalinki profile image

What a lovely post and clearly an invigorating, memorable run! There's nothing quite like an impromptu swim - your description reminded of the somewhat louche shenanigans of the orchestra members in Jilly Cooper's Appassionata! Although I'm sure this was quite respectable! I've not been to Lucerne but have been up the Drachenfels near Königswinter where Siegfried killed the dragon and can see why Wagner was moved by the scenery.

Happy runnings! X😊

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Slinkymalinki

We were definitely respectable - especially as there was a large group of school children not far along the beach from where we stopped. ;-)

Saartjie profile image

What an amazing run in stunning scenery! All topped off with a quick dip....perfect 👌🏼

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Saartjie

Yes, it was a new experience for me, and quite wonderful. Thanks.

Mummycav profile image

Sounds absolutely brilliant Raz!!! Ohhh, the freedom of throwing your kit over your head like some kind of Shirley Valentine....ace x

Razouski profile image
Razouski in reply to Mummycav

Fortunately I was wearing “comfy pants” and a sports bra so kept myself decent. 😉

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