39 mins 28 seconds!!!! ---- by a 7 year old!!!!
A World record was run at my local 10K yeste... - Bridge to 10K
A World record was run at my local 10K yesterday

Well I was going for that myself but I may not now - children always get more attention for their achievements!!!!

Blimey. Did you get her/his autograph? No doubt an athlete in the making.

That is going to be a name to take note of in The future. Wow.
I’ll have whatever THEY had for breakfast!! 😳

Really? Wow

Goodness, not sure whether to feel elated for her or depressed for me. I took about that long to do 5k this morning - not the best of runs.


Were they on a scooter???

Whaaaaat? That is amazing. I am astounded that a a seven year old can manage 10k at all, let alone at such breakneck speed. Winged feet for sure!
And I suppose that means the excuse of being short can no longer be considered valid?!
Re the shortness excuse. As a short person myself, I would like to somehow continue and strengthen that idea - but alas, I have to admit that it is a myth. Many of the Worlds top class marathoners whose average pace is close to 3 minutes per klm for 42.2 klm are only around 5ft 5 inches tall Their stride length to maintain that pace at around 180BPM is 2 metres!!!! I don't think I can even jump that far!!
5'5"is my height - so I guess I need to start making more effort! They must have a really impressive cadence.
Actually I really like this fact. I had totally bought into the myth that you need to be tall and long-legged to be a good runner and it gives me hope to know that there are many who are not.