I graduated from c25k last summer and finally ran my first 10k in December. Since then, 10k has been my long run distance every weekend, and it's not always easy. About half the time, I end up walking .5k - 1k of the distance, and except for a handful of times, I really have to push myself to finish that last km.
I run every other day: one speed workout, one long run, and 5ks the rest of the time. I'm pretty slow (my pb 10k is 72 minutes), but my times have been consistently improving every month.
There's a local half marathon I'd really like to enter this fall, but I'm concerned about whether or not that's even possible at this point. After I ran my first 5k, it wasn't that difficult to increase my distance a little bit every week until I got to 10. Now that I'm at 10k, though, any increase feels like it would be a huge struggle. I'm not sure what the problem is--it's probably largely in my head--but any advice on how to improve (or not to worry about it and stick with 10k for now) would be so helpful!