7 minutes a day - what we are trying to achieve.
The exercise that have been chosen are from the NHS, so we are still using that great free resource.
7 min is not that long and there will not be a massive transformation from this but you should see and feel a little difference after the 61 days. We will be adding 42 mins of a combination of Strength and stretch exercises a week. This should help to give a us a little boost to help with our running and not be too hard to fit in. By all means if you want to double up on the days exercises please do. There will be three exercise routines that will be done twice a week. With one day off after the third day.
I will be putting up a post every night so it will be ready for you whenever you get up the next day.
During November some of our members will be posting inspirational posts to keep as going as we get into the routine of 7 mins a day. By December we should of gained the habit and hopefully we will go into 2018 with a strong commitment to Strength and stretch work.
I know there are some that might say 7 mins is not enough and you should be doing more and in all fairness I personally know I could do better but the truth of the matter is I don't and I would rather do little and often and feel like I am contributing to my core work than doing nothing at all.
Please feel free to join in and reply to the posts daily and let's all support each other. Also please feel free to join in with your own routines, if you have one that works for you and need a little support or motivation to keep going then by all means use these daily post to help you keep going.
The first post will be put up tonight.
C25k and Stregnth and flex forums