Admission time: I got trodden on by a horse yesterday - more accurately he trod on the back of my shoe, catching the back of my foot as he did so. I then fell over, because it's really hard to keep walking when something that weighs as much as a horse does is pinning your other foot to the floor, and banged my knee. I then spent all yesterday afternoon and evening icing both foot and ankle, before going to bed.
Reader, I forgot to turn off my alarm. The one that was going to wake me up really early because I'd planned to run before heading out at 7:15.
5:30am my alarm goes off. I look at my running stuff (that I'd set out yesterday morning when sorting laundry) and reckoned that if I could walk okay when I got out of bed and get my trainers on without yelping, then I could run.
I could walk.
I did not yelp (I winced, that's not the same thing!)
I ran- jogged- whatever- it was faster than walking
I left the dog in the house (she is much better, but not up to running for an hour) so walked until my elderly Garmin found satellites and started running -slowly, just in case- before I ever got to a field.
It was a gorgeous morning, with the sun just coming up over the edge of the hill behind me as I ran, so I just jogged past the uncut wheat, slowly up one hill and down the other side - things felt bruised but not painful - even more slowly up the monster hill that I only conquered quite recently. Somewhere along the way, I realised that things weren't really hurting much at all, which was nice. I headed along the top of the ridge, toward the sun, before turning for home, taking to the grass verge after I'd crossed the road. I then realised I was going to have not even run for an hour and decided to run round the cul de sacs that make up the street where I live. Even having done that I had to run up and down the slope outside my house three times before my watch told me I'd done an hour.
My cool down walk and dynamic stretches were done walking laps round my kitchen and walking on the spot while I fed Bella Dogga, drank my own water, and put my breakfast together to take out with me.