The picture sums it up really: it was a very windy, wet parkrun this morning at Newbury. I was a volunteer (fluorescent jacket and red baseball cap, stood in puddle), timekeeping today. Such a great job, getting to greet all the runners as they crossed the finish line. It was so wet that the scanners got damp and needed to be dried out before their data could be extracted.
Since I was not running this morning, I got out for an 11km run this afternoon, and what a difference from this morning. Sky was blue, the sun was shining and it was about 16 degrees. Very unseasonal. It was one of those 'I wonder where I'll run?' sessions - out running with no real plan for pace, distance or time. I ended up out for an hour, and it was starting to get dark as I came back through the village.
I trust that you've all had a great day of running. Weather looks much better for tomorrow. Enjoy yourselves