Seeking information on Reclast - Bone Health and O...

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Seeking information on Reclast

Viazoy profile image
21 Replies

For many reasons I would like to get off Prolia. Doctor has suggested switching to Reclast (Zolendronic Acid) administered by IV. Does anyone here have experience with this?

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Viazoy profile image
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21 Replies
Bacardi profile image

Hi I had my last IV dose last month , I didn’t have any side effects . You only get it for 3 years 1a year . I’ve to have another dexa scan in the new year to se if it’s improved my bones as I have osteoporosis . Hope this helps you make your mind up .

Viazoy profile image
Viazoy in reply to Bacardi

Thanks - I hope it's helped you -- and glad you didn't have any bad results - I'm considering it but still want to know more. Prolia was such a total disaster for me that I don't want to risk something similar with another drug.

Yes, I've had 2 infusions. 1st I had no probems, 2nd I had 5 days of bone aches in my hips and thighs. But it was bearable.

I've had one infusion of Reclast and will continue until the Dr. takes me off. I had no side effects that I can claim to come from Reclast and my Dexa isn't due until next year. Stay hydrated and take a couple of Tylenol after the infusion and you should be fine. How long were you on Prolia and what kind of side effects did you have? Reclast isn't known to build bone density but slows the break down of bone thus slowing down or preventing further loss. Prolia, on the other hand, claims to build bone density. I held off on Proloa because I'm only 61 and figure I may have to get it on later but opted for HRT which also carries risks for a woman my age but after dong a lot of research, I realized that ALL the OP drugs comes with risks so one was no better than the other. It's just a roll of the dice but I will say that when exercise, diet, and taking supplements doesn't work, a person needs to decide to either take the drugs or possibly live out their golden years trying to recover from fractures.

LynneH-19 profile image
LynneH-19 in reply to

Hi Debra. How are you getting on with HRT?

I will soon be 70 and no idea how long I could safely stay on HRT. I will soon be finished my dwindling supply of Strontium ranelate and undecided what to ask for next.

I take all the recommended supplements and keep active, but with already breaking bones prior to diagnosis in 2010, I’m very wary of cutting medication out of my regime.

Haven’t seen my GP for a number of years and resisting going, until I have enough first hand, information on treatment, to rule out what I definitely don’t want. I’m still trying to keep an open mind, which isn’t easy.

Best wishes

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to LynneH-19

Are you on HRT now? If not, do you think your doctor would agree to HRT for you if you are not suffering any symptoms ie hot flushes etc.

LynneH-19 profile image
LynneH-19 in reply to Kaarina

Hi Kaarina. I was on HRT for a short time in my 30s, for very heavy, painful periods. I have no idea whether I could even get HRT from my GP now. The reason I am inquiring about it is that I’ve seen several comments from other post menopausal ladies who have been given HRT instead of OP drugs and are happy with it. I’m not sure whether they were UK residents.

Best wishes

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to LynneH-19

I have a feeling sweetsusie is from the UK but I got the impression she wore her gp down in the end to prescribe HRT and I am sure she mentioned she was suffering with post menopausal problems.

It is so difficult isn't it? You are lucky you were able to squirrel away so much SR if you still some left. My stock finished a goodly time ago now.

LynneH-19 profile image
LynneH-19 in reply to Kaarina

Hi Kaarina. I continued getting the SR for about 6 months after Servier stopped making it, simply because the pharmacist was managing to locate stock from other branches. I have made it last this long by just taking it on alternative nights for a while and now every third night. Probably the wrong thing to do.

I know I should have seen my GP and asked her advice, but my last meeting with her was frosty to say the least.

She had refused to prescribe SR, making me have alendronic acid and wasn’t very pleased when the Consultant over ruled her and said I could have It. The alendronic acid I was taking was causing repeated symptoms of the gut ulcer I had suffered from in the past. I was also having bone pains that we’re stopping me from sleeping. Unfortunately that consultant is no longer in our area.

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to LynneH-19

Thank you for replying, Lynne. It is unfortunate the consultant is no longer in your area and you have a GP that is unhelpful. The OP consultant I was seeing twice a year and got on well with, has retired and although I have an appointment in January with someone who has taken his place I am not sure how that will go.

Jess21 profile image
Jess21 in reply to Kaarina

Hi Kaarina did you know that strontium ranelate is being prescribed again in January

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to Jess21

Hi Jess

Really? How have you found out? I am sure there will be a few people on the forum who would like to know that SR will be prescribed again in the New Year. :)

Jess21 profile image
Jess21 in reply to Kaarina

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to Jess21

Yay, brilliant news. Thank you so much for that great information. a few members on here will be relieved to hear that! I am a member of NOS but had missed that gem. Thank you for posting! :)

Jess21 profile image
Jess21 in reply to Kaarina

You’re welcome Kaarina, yes it’s great news!😀

in reply to LynneH-19

I've just started the HRT in the last 7 months and have no problems with it but my case is unique. I have Kallman's Syndrome, a rare hormone disease for women, and declined treatment when I was young because I didn't want children and my monthly periods were too painful. So in realty, I never developed nor went through menopause. I have OP because of the Kallman's . The studies conducted by the WHO didn't include women like me so my risks are literally unknown but after being active for over 3 decades, taking excellent care of myself, and STILL have OP, I decided that I would take my chances with Reclast AND HRT rather than end up in a nursing home by the time I'm in my 70's. There are risks with all of the drugs so I'm rolling the dice. I don't get another DEXA until next year so hopefully I'll see a difference so we shall see.

LynneH-19 profile image
LynneH-19 in reply to

Hi Debra. I agree there are potential risks with all drugs, but once you have experienced broken bones, the fear of more serious breaks is always present. Both my Mam and Nan had broken femurs due to OP and their quality of life plummeted!

Good luck with your next DEXA scan. I haven’t had a repeat since 2013, with been on Strontium R, so have no idea how my bones are doing, or if and when I will be allowed a repeat.

Best wishes

Viazoy profile image
Viazoy in reply to

I apologize for the late response, this just got lost somehow. I was on Prolia for about six years. It really didn’t increase bone density much. It somewhat slowed the rate of bone loss But it didn’t seem to stop loss. I went off Prolia because of a change in doctors at the medical center and they cancelled all my appointments including the Prolia shot and nobody warned me to come in anyway and get the shot even though the new doctor couldn’t see me right away. So within a month or so I had these fractures. The new doctor explained after-the-fact that if you stop Prolia you will lose all the bone you have saved while you were on it. They put me back on Prolia. I’m having some dental problems now which may be related to Prolia, and I would like to get off it safely, without breaking more bones and becoming more disabled than I already am.

sweetsusie profile image

I have no experience with Reclast, but my doctor suggested I go on it. Once I read the horrible side effects, I declined.

I'm on Reclast Just get the infusion over a 30-45 minute window, stay very hydrated, and take a couple of Tylenol and you should be fine. Every one is different though.

wbswan profile image
wbswan in reply to

Hidden, how are you. Reason why I asked is my osteoporosis. I was on Prolia more then 10 years, then 2 months ago have Reclast with much pain and now do nor know what to do. Thank you.

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