hi.i had a infusion on the 25th April for my t12 severe osteoporosis, I don't think it's doing much good because I still have aches in my upper back and twinges in my lower back anyone still have back pain after having reclast, is the infusion worth it for a t12 dx.
reclast and severe osteoporosis - Bone Health and O...
reclast and severe osteoporosis

You won’t notice a difference whilst starting the infusions you will need the full course to get the benefits.
My severe osteoporosis doesn’t cause me pain I only have pain when I have breaks and fractures…..my t scores are improving on the infusion so I would say it’s worth it but I know you have never felt confident in the infusions do you think you could be looking for reasons not to carry on?? No treatment is a miracle cure but it will prevent your osteoporosis getting any worse so it’s down to personal opinion really. I have had lots of breaks and fractures but not whilst on the infusions so after suffering the pain and trauma of breaking all my ribs in multiple places I would take the infusion any day as I will never forget the pain from the breaks
thanks, I also get a sharp pain in my spine if I do too much, someone sent me a video regarding boron I have only been taking 3mg so I am going to increase it,just have to find the best boron to take.
I have never heard of taking boron but if it helps you then it’s worth a try I just stick to the medication as I don’t get on well with additional supplements but good luck I hope it helps you 😊
Check out this video from Dr. Flechas, it might be useful to you - I’m not sure if it was he and his wife or another couple; they have both been taking boron for years after one in particular had osteoporosis. 6 mo later he was told he now has the skeleton of a 20 year old.
That’s great. And if you’re able to, I would go onto the Facebook group Borax for arthritis and health and get some suggestions from people who have been doing it for years. Really good info there!
As you know, I have had three infusions now, and after the first I did not immediately notice any difference. I too wondered whether it was worth it, as like you, I had terrible side effects.
It took quite a few months to notice the difference in pain and mobility. It seems to be very gradual, and it is only when you compare the before and after, that you realise there is a change.
After reluctantly having my second infusion, I had much less side effects and within a couple of months, I really saw a difference. The pains had turned into aches which could be easily managed by paracetamol or co codamol during the day. Of course you still have to be careful, no lifting, stretching or bending, or anything which will aggravate your back.
Now I have had my third, the difference is amazing, I can stand straighter, much more mobile and walking with a three wheeler. My whole back feels so much stronger.
When I had my spinal collapse, I had a lot of vertabrae go, thoracic and lumber. At the time I could barely stand, the pain was terrible and I was hunched over.
Going by my own experience ,I would advise you to stick with it. Yes, progress is slow but it does happen, usually without you noticing. Also, I have not suffered any further fractures anywhere in my body, which is the biggest thing for me.
As far as supplements go, try anything that is recommended here where other members have benefitted. You have nothing to lose by trying.
thanks, from what I've been reading and heard from others that reclast only strengthens old bone then after a while it makes bones more brittle.
The infusion would not be used as a treatment for osteoporosis if that was the case. People always have horror stories about all medication it’s basically do you want fractures or not because the infusion does stop that and increases t scores like mine my spine is no longer osteoporosis thanks to the infusion yes my hips are but that was after my first infusion so you either look for the good or look for the bad in the infusion.
yeah,but the body supposedly generates new bone but with reclast it doesn't it strengthens old bone.
This was taken straight from Wikipedia
“Zoledronic acid is a potent inhibitor of bone resorption, allowing the bone-forming cells time to rebuild normal bone and allowing bone remodeling”
I haven't read that zoledronic acid builds new bone, only that it strengthens bone on Wikipedia.
I give up I don’t have the answers maybe phone the osteoporosis society as they will have some answers for you or talk to your prescribing doctors. It’s a treatment for osteoporosis and has improved my t scores and stopped fractures so I don’t care how it works as long as it works and stops the fractures that’s my main focus not the ifs buts and maybes I just go with the physical results.