I'm waiting for an abdominal ultrasound scan and vaginal scan due to low abdomen pain. Blood and poo tests all ok. Now have what feels like a UTI (very frequent urination, stinging) and was given a 7 day course of Cefalexin 500mg yesterday. Today GP surgery has rung to say no infection in my urine but high levels of leukocyte (white blood cells), traces of blood and protein. I'm to only take 3 days of the antibiotics and take another urine sample in, in 10 days. What would be the cause of the high white blood cells etc if I don't have an infection?!
Strange results : I'm waiting for an... - Bladder Health UK
Strange results

I would say you definitely have an infection! Those dipsticks don't work for the majority & especially for the over 60s. Google about dipsticks, they were invented in the 50s! Even if your culture was sent to the lab. for testing, you may have an infection although the lab. will say you don't have one. I know when I have an infection & it sounds like your body does too by sending white cells to help kill it.
Last year, I was told I didn't have an infection, but knew I had one. I got steadily worse until I collapsed at home & got rushed into hospital with sepsis. Thankfully I recovered okay as I had IV Gentamicin as soon as I got to the emergency room. The hospital tested my urine by culture & said I didn't ever have a urine infection........the bugs can hide deep in the bladder wall & cause the illness/symptoms, but never show in the NHS tests. I was discharged from hospital after 3 days & some doctors din't believe I had a bladder infection, but my discharge notes said I did!
Good luck & I hope you soon get better. Please don't let them fob you off if you still feel as if you have an infection after your short course of Cefalexin. I took 7 days worth of that & it didn't get rid of my infection.
Thank you for replying. I'm sorry you had such a rough time. I'm 65 so in the age range you mentioned. I definitely feel like I have had an infection and I can't see why I would have such high WBC if I don't! I'll definitely go back if I still don't feel right after these 3 days.
what jillana says above is correct relating to infection embedded into bladder wall and usual uti test do not detect it but that would give repeated uti’s, with nitrates also present.Leukocytes can indicate an infection but they can also mean although theres no obvious infection there may be some kind of obstruction along the tract, therefore bladder doesn’t void fully giving symptoms..
I had a cystoscopy in 2017 because of blood in urine. I. Outdid see the screen when they did the test and it looked like a map of the moon.
Asked urologist what these ‘craters’ were and he told me undiagnosed and therefore untreated UTIs.
No reason ever found for the blood.
Interested to read of obstruction in urinary tract causing obstruction and voiding issues.
I’ve posted today that I’ve gone into complete retention and am now catheterised awaiting investigations.
High levels of leukacytes are a sign of inflammation. Protein in urine can indicate issues with kidneys. Add these things together and you’re doing the right thing in moving forward with investigations