Hi everyone, I had a cystoscopy done during a surgery for endometriosis under general and the report says 'petichiae seen on double fill' and a question of Interstitial Cystitis. They took a biopsy and that shows 'a few scattered mast cells' but reports 'negative for significant inflammation'.
One Urogynae has told me that means I don't have IC, BUT I saw a different Urogynae, equally qualified and experienced consultant, and he says just because the biopsy was negative doesn't mean it's not IC, that I do have it because IC is another name for Painful Bladder Syndrome and that I have all the symptoms. Ultimately their treatment plans are the same but I'm a bit annoyed to say the least and don't know who to believe.
Looking for some thoughts please- can it still be IC if the biopsy was negative?