I have a constant feeling of wanting to pee as soon as I have been. The doctor I spoke to via telephone has given me a course a antibiotics though a urine test showed no infection. I cannot get another appt until 15 Dec. It is becoming rather unbearable, Wondering if anyone has suffered with this and what was done to relieve it.
constant feeling wanted to pass urine - Bladder Health UK
constant feeling wanted to pass urine

Hiya, I have this and was eventually diagnosed with interstitial cystitis via a cystoscopy. It's linked with fibromyalgia which I also have. Unfortunately not the easiest to manage and treat 😏. Caffeine is my biggest trigger and most other drinks too so only ever drink water but there are many things which can trigger it 😤. Hope you get some relief soon 🤞🤞
Loobielu, thanks for your answer. It is good to know that I am not alone. I had it once just after my hysterectomy. Not since, 7 years now.
Ive always suspected hormones plays a part and this would certainly been the case after a hysterectomy 😏. Who would be a woman hey!
Ha ha I am long past my menopause. Not really laughing, Thankyou for thinking I am that young. Though I do think the hysterectomy comes into it as your bladder tends to prolapse. But I have had no trouble from that ever.
I suffered this in July. I had several courses of increasingly stronger anti biotics, none of which worked. It got so unbearable that I attended accident and emergency in total despair. They said it was an overactive bladder and put me on solifenacin and mirabegron. I had no examination or tests. The tablets took weeks to take any effect and although I am now back at work I still feel I need to pee most of the time although to a very much lesser degree.
I have arranged a cystoscopy privately in the hope that they can find something that can be cured, as there are a number of conditions that can cause these symptoms.
If you can , I would ask your doctor about further tests particularly a cystoscopy and about trying out tablets for overactive bladder meantime.
I hope you will get proper tests and not have to resort to pay privately like me.
McHargF1, thank you for your reply. I must admit I wondered if it was an overactive bladder. I do not leak or just go. It is an urge to pee all the time, causing an awful discomfort in the lower abdomen. Thank you for the advice I will certainly bring it up with the doctor. If I can get an appt. 😱
It is so difficult to get appointments at the moment. I hope you can bring your appointment forward as it's a long time to wait in such discomfort. I take a lot of suppliments as well as the medication from my GP. These include vitamin B , calcium, D Mannose and l arginine. I've no idea whether they have helped or, whether the tablets alone are helping but it's always worth a try .
I hope you manage to get the help you need.
It's a very common problem for lots of women (and men). It may be Overactive Bladder. You might need further tests, eg. ultrasound to determine if that is your problem. My OAB has improved the last few months though, with bladder retraining , tens machine on the sacral nerve which is supposed to calm the bladder response, and pumpkin seed oil. Unfortunately I don't know which of these treatments are the ones which work the best so I'll continue doing all of these treatments. I must say that the OAB pills available worked wonderfully for me, within a couple of days I had a lot of relief. I used Oxybutyin but these kinds of pills have side effects like dry mouth (which didn't bother me much) and can cause cognitive issues which is something that must be carefully considered, especially if you are still young. Now i only take a pill or two when I have a flareup of symptoms and I'm good. It's been around 6 weeks since I last used one. Hopefully you can sort out your bladder issue, once you get back to see your doctor.
Bluejewel thank you for your reply. So glad I joined this group. It so helpful to hear that others have this and what they did about it. Was the tens machine on the NHS. Is the ultrasound internal because I have had a pelvic CT scan recently, for another matter and that was clear. I am asking a lot of questions for when I see my GP. How great it is to have all this info.
I think the pelvic CT scan is different from the ultrasound. You need a full bladder for an ultrasound and they do the test, than you pass the water and they do the test again. It's simply a device that they pass over your abdomen. I live in Australia so those tests are free here. The Tens machine was inexpensive. You only need a basic one, you don't need all the bells and whistles of the more expensive machine. I bought mine online for around $49.00. I use it 30 minutes a day with the electrodes at the ankle, set at 20 Pulse rate and 200 Pulse width.
Bladder issues aren't easy to deal with, especially the feeling of wanting to go all the time which is my only symptom. I don't suffer from incontinence which is a blessing. Bladder retraining works well for people with OAB - its a good idea to keep a diary so you can take it to your doctor. It's simply trying to wait longer between visits to the bathroom. If you google it on the internet there are many websites which explain in detail how to do this. I do believe it worked for me but it's not easy! Holding a little longer to go when you want to GO NOW is very uncomfortable.
Once you have a actual diagnosis, you will be able to move forward with the appropriate treatments which can help enormously. Don't give up, it's early days yet for you.
How old are you? If you are in mid-life, sometimes menopause can cause these bladder problems.
Thankyou for your reply. I am 75. So a lot older. I am mobile and fairly fit for my age. I have health issues which are quite mild compared to others. Like you I am not incontinent. Just an awful pressure to go after I have been. I do try to wait and not go to the toilet every few minutes. I have had that type of ultrasound before. I just could not hold a full bladder. Have seen a GP who wants me to do another urine test. I know it will not be a UTI. Then if it is negative they will look to further tests. I have an appt with my normal GP at the end of this week. Fingers crossed something is sorted.
Just adding some more since my last reply to you. I have had another terrible bout of needing to pee constantly. The urgency got so bad that I contacted my G.P in despair. Like yourself, I have no incontinence, but find peeing extremely difficult. This time, I got a much more sympathetic GP who referred me to the hospital as a matter of urgency. I got a phone call and a proper hospital appointment within 3 days.
They arranged to do all the appropriate tests within an afternoon. They found the problem. I have a hypertonic pelvic. floor. Everything I had been doing over the year had been making the problem worse i.e pelvic floor exercise , kegel machines etc....
I have spent a fortune trying to get a problem fixed and been making it worse.
I now have to attend hospital every month for up to a year, and been given a programme of physio.
My point is, make a fuss, insist on proper testing and get a confirmed diagnosis. Don't let them fob you off. This is a horrible condition which leaves you suffering mentally as well as physically.
I hope the physio is making a difference. I have just had a hospital appt. No tests but then I have no trouble having a pee. I am on Solifenacin at the moment which work well but cause constipation in me. I have been put on the list for the nerve treatment. They put in an acupuncture needle in the foot and attach to a mild electrical current. Also having physio at the hospital. I also have a slight posterior prolapse which is probably not helping with the constipation. I have haemorrhoids now which are not shrinking or going making sitting uncomfortable. So just contacted GP for further treatment. I don’t know where you are but here in Essex you have to send an e consult before even a phone call. The hospital appt I have been waiting since November😱. It seems better where you are. Will keep up with the pelvic floor exercises now do not want the prolapse getting worse. Thank you for your post. It is good to know how you are getting on.
just a question about the tens machine. There are so many mostly for pain relief. Is it the one for pelvic floor issues? Thank you
Have you been tested for thrush this could cause the same feeling.
Thankyou sorry to be a nuisance, was actually wondering if you used the tens for pelvic floor as you were talking about attaching it to ankles. Want to discuss this with my GP thanks to this group I have Many things to ask.
For me, the TTNS (Tens) is used for OA Bladder. There are exercises for pelvic floor. The idea is the 2 electrodes are placed at the inside of the ankle. This is where a particular nerve is very close to the skin: Posterior tibial nerve. It exits the sacrum at the same level as the nerves to the bladder. By targeting this particular nerve, it is hoped that it will calm down the bladder spasms by the stimulation of the tens and stop the constant demand to go to the toilet. There are no side effects but if you have a pacemaker, epilepsy or ankle wounds, do not use. I know it does work for lots of people but of course, not for everyone!
I am quite sure it helps me. If i get lazy and don't do it regularly, my OAB becomes worse . I simply pop it on when watching tv for 30 minutes. It's very easy to use, and just needs 2 batteries. If you google TTNS for Overactive Bladder online, there are many websites devoted to the subject.
Thankyou. I will have a look at that you have been very informative. Best wishes.
Hi there I have had this for some while maybe a couple of years. A consultant diagnosed me initially over the phone(!) with over active bladder and put me on solifenacin. This didn’t do much then another consultant after a physical gave me Mirabegron and slight BV so a dose of metronidazole. I think the Mirabegron eased the problem somewhat but is has never gone away so now I am thinking it is not over active bladder. I have also seen a physio nurse, several meet ups, who went through pelvic floors with me. I do these religiously every morning 10 long and 10 short each day both standing up.
I also use Diveen I get a box of 15. They are like rings you insert daily. I only have to use these very occasionally maybe one day a week. They are for incontinence. My incontinence is minimal and not a problem but I have decided the problem is that my bladder has dropped or moved down a bit due to age as muscles have weakened so pushes at the vagina/urethra and feels uncomfortable and soreness and wanting to wee even when not needed.
It is a horrible uncomfortable feeling as it can be constant throughout the day and pain relief no use at all. Good news is it has improved a lot. I have always been told to drink loads of fluids up to 2.5 litres a day. I have found if I don’t drink so much this helps maybe not putting so much pressure on bladder I don’t know. I think reduction in caffeine makes virtually no difference so i allow 2 coffees a day as is usual for me. I think alcohol plays a part ( maybe spirits) so only drink accepting it may worsen next couple of days. My drinking anyway is minimal. Possible citrus tomato and onion may exacerbate the problem too.
The Diveen devices help a lot so I am assuming the device pushes the bladder back into correct position. It is immediate and makes things a lot better. Only thing is Diveen is not completely comfortable but it is better than feeling need to wee all the time.
I have spent so many hours thinking and dealing with this issue. I am 57 and this may also be due to reduced estrogen due to age and menopause. All I can say is that now it is manageable and I can live with it and doesn’t get me down like it used to. I don’t think doctors really diagnosed it properly but I am sure it is do to with bladder moving downwards and pushing again lower part or entrance to vagina creating feeling of soreness and constant need of wee.
Do not be discouraged as I think there are things you can do to alleviate your symptoms. I hope this text helps you.
Thankyou for your reply. It is very interesting. I am on Oxybutyin at the moment. Only two days in. Just wondering if you are in the UK. Only I have to see a GP before consultant. My appt was also on the telephone. So did you arrange your own physio? I also am thinking it may not be OAB. As I know I have a prolapsed bladder, which has not bothered me before. I had a hysterectomy some years ago. So it is not unusual. Also I have looked up Diveen but not much info especially in the purchase. I tried to get an appt booked with my GP. Have to phone back Monday, no appts 😱. It is so unpleasant at the moment as it is constant. Stops me from going out unless my husband drives and just a walk around the supermarket. Our NHS is in such a state, don’t know if I will ever see an urologist. I find paracetamol helps a bit, but take so many tablets. Sorry to ask so many questions but this really helps.
Hiya, yes I am in UK sounds like you are too. I waited 2-3 months from speaking to GP on phone to speaking on phone to gynocologist who diagnosed OAB. Waited 3-4 months to see physio nurse and had several meet ups with her. No symptons at all with Mirabegron. Solifenacin was dry mouth which was manageable and lessened over time but I decided to go down to 5mg dose as I am sure it is not really OAB although can’t be certain so continue taking the tablets. The physio nurse prescribed me diveen. They are made by the company Braun and I get them on prescription. My GP and Gyno appts were by phone and eventually I saw a urologist for physical examination after maybe another 3 months from seeing physio nurse. The Gyno had referred me. He was the one to suggest Mirabegron as i was only taking solifenacin at that point. Also he said I had slight BV.
I also have been using estriol 1% estrogen cream (Ovestin) for couple of years this has helped a lot as lots of bladder issues are related to reduction of estrogen levels thru aging and can cause discomfort, dry vagina, UTI’s etc. Tell your GP to prescribe you this it is very good. The urologist said I could use it 3 times a week even tho GP and instructions say only twice. You must ask for this it will most probably help you a lot as very effective. Hope this helps. Feel feel to ask more questions I really sympathise as it can get you down and did so to me for some long while.
At least you were referred to the gynae. My doctor diagnosed me over the phone. Not been on these Oxybutynin long but they are causing a few problems for me. Will give them another week then ask for a change. I enquired about the Diveen, my doc never heard of them and will not prescribe, but apparently I can buy them myself. She is quite happy with that.🤷. I feel I am just left to get on with it. It is so hard to speak to a doctor. Thank you for your information. Glad there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I'd not heard of Diveen so looked it up myself. It appears to help mainly for urinary leak incontinence. I don't have that issue so it would not be of any help in my case. I can't believe how difficult the health system is in the UK. It takes you an age to get an appointment. Here in Australia I can usually get a GP appointment within a couple of days and a specialist often within 4-5 weeks (or less if Lucky!). Let us know how you get on with the Oxy. My bladder's a little twitchy this week unfortunately but not enough to medicate so I'll put up with it and hope tomorrow is better.
Hi BlueJewel. I have decided that Diveen is not for me. Had a nice reply from Braun Medical and it seems having a hysterectomy would make it not fit properly. Yes our NHS has gone downhill. Really hard to see a doctor. Going to send an e-request. Really unwell on these. Was better before taking them. Obviously only taken them for 2 weeks but no difference, definitely would not take double the dose . Booked a private physio and hope to discuss with her the tens for the tibial nerve. Even private is after Christmas. But she is a gynae physio. So the best to see.
you might have a problem with not emptying your bladder properly & it’s causing a problem of urine irritation definitely go see a gynaecologist. I had a similar issue
Hi, Thankyou for your reply but this was 2 years ago and my OAB has resolved by taking Solifenacin . It has worked well for me .