I have seen my GP today and she is suggesting that I might try vagifem as pessary or Estriol cream due to very sore and dry vagina with symptoms of recurrent UTI's, periodically very small traces of blood in the urine.
I am also currently on fluconazole now a once a week dose and nitrofurantoin which is the antibiotic I take at night as recommended by the urologist I saw originally for the prevention of UTU returning.
All this alongside prednisone for PMR and I will be on a substantial cocktail of medicines and I have to ask are they ALL really necessary. She says the antibiotics low dose are to prevent the return of UTIs. She want me to take Fluconazole course complete and then a maintenance dose of one per week to keep the thrush at bay and she says that in the longer term the HRT will be beneficial for the overall vaginal health.
She has taken a swab sample this morning to check vaginal thrush, I had another OTC one at home which last week tested VERY MUCH positive, but having had 2 tablets of fluconazole it is today negative.
I am still pretty sore however and stinging when urinating, but my dilema is do I go with this HRT route or not ?
If so which is better advised for use, pessary vagifem or Estriol cream. As I understand from what I have read they are slightly different, but not sure how so, apart from their application. I think the pessary could be less messy, but sometimes a cream is a little gentler maybe ?
Having had an estoscopy (camera to investigate bladder and this being normal)
This has been a very much long on going situation and I am keen to treat the matter as soon as and get some closure on it.
Any experience or advice on this would as always be much appreciated.
thank you everyone