What a fantastic and helpful response I've had regarding lansoprazole & clopidogrel. Each & every one has been help & interesting.
Although like everyone I don't want to take medication I will do so. Initially my concerns where around clopidogrel but after researching lansoprazole I realise I was on the wrong track. Before researching I had only looked at the leaflet regarding side effects. The only one from memory on the leaflet was that it can increase bone fractures especially in those with osteoporosis. I have osteoporosis and I'm currently waiting for a rheumatologist appointment as the bisphosponates weren't making a difference.
Since taking medication I've noticed that my systolic blood pressure has dropped slightly & diastolic has increased. Although my blood pressure remains within range my pulse pressure is narrow/low. The pharmacist has told me to keep an eye on it.
2 other things that I've noticed since taking medication are my tinnitus has got considerably worse. I thought it was anxiety but it seems that lansoprazole can cause it.
The skin on my hands has started to get sore and feel the way it did 18months ago when blood tests taken because of my skin problems were positive for possiblelupus (I dont have a diagnosis, currently waiting for another rheumatologistappointment), I had ignored this soreness until I read that lansoprazole can trigger cutaneous lupus. This is why I have concerns about taking lansoprazole or any proton pump inhibitors. I prefer to just take the clopidogrel on a full stomach.
As I'm still waiting for results of investigations the medication is precautionary. It is a case of do the risks out weigh the benefits, the risks for me being the lansoprazole. This is why I was interested to know if anyone takes clopidogrel without a proton pump inhibitor with the agreement of medical staff.
Anyway thank you again for all the responses