I have permanent AF and developed fluid retention. Swollen ankles, feet and calves, put on 5lbs in weight in 2 days. Is this a common symptom of permanent AF.
Permanent AF/fluid retention - British Heart Fou...
Permanent AF/fluid retention

Yes, it can be. Your GP will probably prescribe diuretics to release the fluid.
Thank you. He has started me on 20mgs frusemide alternate days but having no effect on reducing the fluid build up. Seeing GPagain soon hopefully meds will be sorted. Hope it sorts the nearly all day fatigue too!
I found Furosimide on its own was useless but when the hospital added Spirolactone I losts kilos of fluid literally overnight three/four days after beginning to take it. i now take a small dose daily on prescription to stop fluid accumilation in lungs and around my heart.
Mat, I take 4mgs Bumetanide diuretics daily (2mgs at breakfast and 2mgs at lunchtime). I also take other Along with these for my heart failure I also take Bendroflumethiazide , Amioderone and a blood thinner. Are your kidneys ok? I ask this because kidney problems can also cause ankle swelling. Hope you get the right investigation (an echocardiogram perhaps) and more apt treatment soon.
Dear Matt66
It can be normal {remember that I am not medically trained} but this needs urgent action 5lbs in two days is a lot. If it has gone up anymore {Sunday} then phone 111 and take guidance.
Good luck
Hi, I have AF for which I've been put on Warfarine for, but I have had the leg swelling with pain and also a cough since being put on heart meds in 2013 for a Cardiac Arrest, are you taking any other meds.
I have a different heart problem but take two diuretics daily that keep my fluid retention very steady. I have to keep a daily weight chart and have been told that if I put on 5lbs or over in 48 hrs, I have to phone the cardiac nurse. I would get it checked just to be safe. All the best
Thank you your replies are reassuring. I am a bit concerned because fluid is not shifting with Frusemide. I see GP in 4 days and have an echocardiagram booked for the end of the month. Its the fatigue that is overwhelming too. Fingers crossed it gets sorted soon. Thank you once again.
I am prescribed 40 mg furosemide daily. And can take 60 alternate days. I dont take it every day tho if going out. You probably need a higher dose. Speak to gp urgently. Also dont forget to make sure you are not dehydrated as you will get night time cramp in legs. Coconut water is good and a banana in the evening.
I hope not. I came to Furosemide via VF & not AF. I’ve looked back & I had a swollen lower right leg, bruising etc in Jan ‘20. I emailed photos of my leg to a heart failure nurse who forwarded them to my consultant. Diuretics from then to now. My kidney function was in single digits when I popped in Jun ‘19. What I didn’t realise is that the kidney needs a certain blood pressure & heart rate to function. The beta blockers affect the kidneys performance but it’s a trade off. As a renal guy said to me once, if the pump stops who cares about the kidneys?! Maybe the diuretics are the trade off? We maybe on them for a while.
I’m on 40mg of furosemide daily. I take them in the mornings, I try to remain hydrated but it’s not easy effectively fighting the drug. The skin on the back of my hand is a guide for me. I have a smart water bottle which holds 850ml & my target can be a gallon a day.
Good luck.
Thanks for all your replies. Appreciate it