I noticed today that my BP was about 140/90 while seated, but just 2 minutes later when I measured it while standing with my hand resting on top of the refrigerator (I'm pretty tall so that's not too high, like nazi -salute-level (sorry but that's the only thing I can think of to compare it to at the moment!)) it was only about 110/70! And I did this TWICE today, once a few hours ago and once a few minutes ago and got about the same results. My BP has always been weird, but never THIS weird. I had a bicuspid aortic valve replaced about 1.5 years ago, btw. I can't tell at all what my BP is by the way I feel, either.
Wildly variable blood pressure - British Heart Fou...
Wildly variable blood pressure

With the caveat that I’m not remotely medically qualified. Blood pressure does vary moment to moment. A drop in blood pressure on standing isn’t uncommon, and from my own understanding and experience, not an issue unless it’s orthostatic hypotension where it’s very low and causing you symptoms - 110/70 is a good blood pressure. But from the posture you’ve described, gravity will have been having a greater impact than usual; there’s good reason as to why the instruction for checking blood pressure is that the arm used should be at heart level. Depending on how long you’d been sat for before you checked it, and what you’d been doing immediately prior, I’d actually be more concerned about the 140/90. The other thing to bear in mind is that - certainly in the UK - the advice for taking blood pressure at home is that you take three readings at least a minute apart: even putting the cuff on can elevate blood pressure, so this ensures you’re getting an accurate reading, rather than a movement associated high spike. I was recently told by a GP that if you do three and there’s significant variation, you should keep taking it at minute intervals until it’s consistent between readings.

Yes I do agree with Charlie on most of the points about BP. That drop of B.P. on standing is postural hypotension. That is not a good thing unless there are consistent with taking certain medication particularly for high B.P. Please take it first thing ibn the morning, first while you you are lying and secondly while you are up and standing for say 2 minutes or so. Normally there should be no difference of readings. Would be pleased to hear.
Take your BP seated with your palm up, cord on top of cuff facing your palm, and your feet firmly placed on the ground. Put a pillow on the table under your arm so it is at the same height as your heart. Throw out your first reading and take 2 more readings 2 minutes apart. Try to be completely relaxed. Breath deep between each reading.
If you have any concerns about your BP talk to a health professional like your GP. Lay people on here can only offer opinions, not a proper diagnosis of any medical conditions you may have.
Like most people my blood pressure readings are quite variable. I was keen to see if the meds could be reduced.My GP recommended a 24 hour BP monitor. This gives an average reading as well as max and min readings over the 24 hour period going about your normal daily activities. In my case the average was within normal range. Its really the only way to get a clear picture.