4 stent fitted on 6 weeks ago,I am
metroprol -12.5 twice a day, 40mg rosuvastatin once a day, aspirin 100mg and ticagrelor 90 mg once a day . Last blood result everything was normal except my vitamin D was slightly low.
since last few days I feel muscle pain randomly across my body,if I stretch armi either feel on arm,shoulder or back ...it can be many different places. I also get some pain between rib cage muscle closes to stomach area and also right side of chest , I can feel the pain while I press with my fingers, and occasionally belching.
i asked my cardiologist during follow up she insisted it can't be medicine side effects and ask me to continue medicine. I went to see GP and he asked me to take magnesium and it may help. last blood results magnesium was good,now some saying while I am on heart medicinei i can't take magnesium supplements. My cardio appointment only in 2 months ..only available. I do not know what to do, my GP says I need to ask this question to cardio
did. Anyone had a similar issues,if so how did you resolved that. is it ok to take magnesium while on above medicine. It's been such a rollercoaster , I feel normal while exercising or walking , while walking sometime I feel pain on lower leg.
My bp and heart rate seems tobe okay and my cholesterol is 2.1