......so thought I would introduce myself. I have been taking Amlodipine 5mg since my late twenties for high blood pressure and am now 41. Since the summer the heart palpitations became more severe and the blood pressure was less controlled. My GP referred me for blood tests and a monitor and the outcome is diet changes for hypokalemia ( low potassium) and increase dosage to 10mg of Amlodipine as a way of medicating the Arythmia and Ectopic beats.
The outcome was more severe this month when the palpitations increased and exhaustion so bad.
I have since had a heart scan to look for thickening of the heart muscle ( normal) and a BP monitor for 24 hours. The cardiologist is now starting me on a beta blocker called Bisoprolol Fumarate 2.5mg to calm my heart down.
The emotional roller coaster of this story and the anxiety ( which has not helped the problem) now is made worse by the side effects on he medicine box!
Does anyone else take this?
I also have a stressful job and the normal life stress that people experience but I really feel I need to take stock of my situation and look after myself a bit more. Where do I start? I exercise ( when I have the time) and am relatively healthy ( but haven't felt it recently)
The last few months have been very frightening but also useful to talk through with a cardiologist.