Hi all ive not recieved any text or letter does that mean i can go back to work, i had a heart attack and a stent many years ago and im on mediaction. So confused. Thanks
Isolation, social distancing - British Heart Fou...
Isolation, social distancing
Please see the NHS advice
List of conditions for extremely vulnerable who should be shielded and self isolate for 12 weeks
Social Distancing
Thankyou for the information i have looked at the link/page. i feel as i have not received a letter im mot high risk 🤷♀️ my job have asked me to go in to collect a laptop to work from home.

I think if you can work from home with a laptop, that is the ideal solution.
All of us, whether we have medical conditions or not, should as much as possible social distance, so working from home is the perfect answer for anyone who is able to do their job without being physically present in their place of work
Not getting a letter just means you are not one of the 1.5 million highest at risk. Below that you are still at high risk. As am I. I'm not old enough - 68 - but do have several medical issues but no letter so far
Stay Safe 🙏
Thanks You too

Going to collect one doesn't sound huge risk but training you 2m apart cod be difficult. Couldn't someone drop it off for you?
I am high risk, 2 x heart attacks, heart disease, quadruple bypass. Asthma.
I sent an email to my employer 2 weeks ago saying that I was absolutely willing to work from home but cannot risk coming into the office. They are still trying to locate a laptop as all disappeared but in the meantime I can use my work phone and adult social care portal on my laptop. I can phone the less vulnerable clients that can manage at home with just reassurance over the phone. So I'm still doing my bit.
Is there no one willing to drop the laptop at your home. You should be self isolating... I live in Sussex, England and we are all just going out for essential reasons and one walk daily where we distance ourselves from others. Don't put yourself at risk I'm only 54 but I'm doing my bit and staying home the only downside is I'm doing that with my husband..... Who is gradually coming to terms with his job list 😉📃😳
Thankyou for your reply, im goingvto talk to them on Monday, although my daughter and husband are still having to work as they are classed a key workers we can control that as i know where they have been and are doing the right thing when out and lot waiting around etc.Its complicated as they need to show me how it all works due to the data protection act etc, dont feel comfortable in doing that at home as it is,but other than going into work my normal shifts and being surrounded by 200 odd people. They are being supportive too. Im like everyone worried. I was 35 when i had my heart attack 53 now and touch would my meds are looking after me. Be safe x🙏
They may only have sent them to those who live in London?!
Its anyone with cancer,lung illnesses, transplants etc. 🙏 trying to explain this to my manager without feeling guilty when she asked will i get a letter. Stay Safe

You are still in the vulnerable category molly2000 so it makes no odds. Don't put yourself or others at risk. I work for Escc and they are very sympathetic to the issue. Ensure your family strip off and shower after washing their hands thoroughly on returning home I know you know it but can't hurt to say again 🤔. Keep safe
We have received a text which was sent to all who have included their mobile number when visiting GP or health centre. This was for everyone. According to my local councillor who is the portfolio holder for adult health and social care, the targeted letters for vulnerable patients will come from your GP. Not the government or NHS. So this depends on the efficiency of your practice. Personally, I've not a great deal of faith. Has anyone received a personal letter regarding this yet? Stay safe, everyone.
Thankyou , ive not recieved anything. Although i did talk to the nurse about it and she explained the higher risk getting letters and said i probably wouldn't recieve a letter.
A link to fill in to see if you are classed as vulnerable: gov.uk/coronavirus-extremel...
This is a list of extremely vulnerable people not a form. But most of the people on this heart Forum fall into the vulnerable category so therefore are at high risk the only difference is we can go out daily for a walk if social distance.
I did see the form but as you ssy its fir extremely vulnerable or if you have symptoms or have someone livingveith you with it. I can help feeling a guilt about being at home. One of my colleagues who is a stroke victim went back to work because she didnt have a letter and her Consultants PA told her as long as she takes her medication she should be ok to go to work. 🤷♀️ i think about my daughter working and all the front line keyworkers and my guilt and anxiety kicks in. Am i thinking too much into it ?
Yes definitely, I've had a text from my gp saying that they are looking into new guidelines re High risk etc so there is a delay in sending letters. But just email them reiterating your medical conditions. Keep safe and don't feel bad we are the ones that would struggle with breathing if we contracted the virus.