I just listened to the latest Government Covid-19 update. I’m concerned about the prospect of self isolation for those who have chronic heart disease. Is there a definition somewhere ? I have stents and the normal raft of statins and meds but Below the 70 age group
Chronic Heart Disease definition - Se... - British Heart Fou...
Chronic Heart Disease definition - Self Isolation

I am confused too. Triple bypass last month. I think we need more advice.
I’m confused too! HA in September. 2 stents. Usual meds of Dual antiplatelet therapy, beta blocker, ace inhibitor, statin. Told on discharge that early signs of further atherosclerosis in another artery!
However, I am a 46 year old, otherwise fit mum of two who works full time in a school! By avoiding non-essential social contact am I to limit my outings to work only?? Should I not go to work...something I’d like to put off until completely necessary!
Can anyone please clarify this. I don’t want to appear like I am over-reacting by being too concerned about this now but I also don’t want to be not taking it as seriously as I should be as I have two children to think about and I don’t want to end up being a burden on the NHS if it can be avoided. I just don’t know what to do!
Hi Imin,
I guess we need a bit more clarification even more so for essential workers like yourself. Hope you have someone close to help you out if / when you need to self isolate. Take Care !!
Hi Imin
I too work in school and had HA stent same time as you only just returned on phased return but my head has asked to to think about my well being so I’m going to work from home as I was doing management tasks anyway - not in front of class. It’s really frustrating and I feel like I’m letting people down think we need more clarification
I am 44.. in very similar position in that I have had 2 heart attacks in 4 years and 2 stents fitted after the last one. I have had a respiratory illness over the last few weeks, so off work recovering at the moment. But what next??
I am not sure what bracket I fall in. I don’t want to over react. I generally feel in good health despite previous HA’s.
Am I at risk, do need to stay away from folk for a further 12 weeks?
I think there is a lot of confusion on this caused I think by Matt Hancock and the use of the term "self Isolate" where yesterday he said "people stay self-isolated, stay at home to protect themselves" Today he said "It is the case that people will be able to go out and walk the dog. It's about being sensible but not mixing in crowds."
The first comment really relates to people who have Covid-19, and the second is more likely what the over 70s and people who have health conditions need to adhere to.
Any change the BHF can elaborate and give us a somewhat definitive list of what disease and level of disease would group people into the category of "people with health conditions"?
I'm pretty sure that I'm in that group - heart disease, type 2 diabetic and impaired immune system, but it would be nice i someone could spell it out!
I agree! Some definitive clarification would be great!
Maybe one of the BHF nurses will see this thread and post something to help us all out! Something like “If you have ever had stents or CABG or being treated for angina then you are in the ‘vulnerable/high risk’ category and should be taking the advice to avoid social contact”.
Then they might be able to tell us what ‘avoiding social contact’ entails ie you can go out for a walk/jog/fresh air in open spaces where there are few people but best to avoid crowded places such as supermarkets or family gatherings.
I don’t usually need step by step instructions - I am usually very good at using my own initiative but I think a little bit of fear has crept in and taken away a little of my own ability to be decisive!
Just spotted this on BBC site - comment by Matt Hancock:-
He also tells MPs that measures on shielding will be for those who have "significant health conditions”.They will be contacted by the NHS, he says.
Thanks for that! I will wait to see if I am contacted...if not, I will assume I’m not that ‘vulnerable’! I hope I don’t hear anything...I don’t like the thought of me being classified as ‘vulnerable’, I don’t feel any more vulnerable than the rest of the world are feeling right now! Take care
I think basically what they're saying is if you have chronic heart disease/chronic kidney disease then self isolate. I think the aim is to try & stop the vulnerable from catching the virus in the first place to avoid the NHS being overloaded and possibly not able to help those in need. However, my understanding is its accepted that it will be almost impossible for some vulnerable people to totally isolate, so to keep social interaction to a minimum.
Those who have the virus is total isolation for 14 days, with no exception.
Same for me, came on to ask the same question. Had heart attack in September 2018 and a stent fitted, scans last year showed further issues and had a further stent fitted in January this year. I'm 41 and also Asthmatic, but back to being able to ride my bike without issues (including plenty of big hills). But still not sure whether I'm classed as high risk because there is not enough information coming out, all just very vague.
I would say Yes as asthma affects the respiratory system and that is the area attacked by the virus.
Interestingly heavy smoking affects the respiratory and immune system so by definition smokers are vulnerable!
Thanks Michael, that's what I thought. Fortunately I am able to work from home (though awaiting official instructions from work), however I have 2 kids at 2 different schools, which aren't closed, so kind of defeats the object a bit. Social distancing - except from other parents, kids and teachers.
I am too x really peeved off nothing is clear 🤨
I'm worrying about the same, I'm 37 relatively healthy but I was born with a bicuspid aortic valve and have mild aortic stenosis, no symptoms except for when I was pregnant am I classes as vulnerable and therefore self isolate for 12 weeks? I am a mother to a disabled child and work for the police, I'm already using common sense by not going to court and working from home as much as possible but for 12 weeks? We also have a holiday booked in May, I'm guessing that's out to.. So confusing..
As you showed symptoms during pregnancy, a time of high bodily stress, I would say yes you are vunerable as a Coronavirus infection would put you under stress!
I have stage one hf and also worried I am early fifties my daughter is in her thirties but is diabetic so it’s quite scary for all of us I hope god willing all this will pass soon but one thing we should learn things can change within seconds appreciate what we have
I hope you both stay well. Take care x
Thank you I will do but what’s meant to be will be if I start to worry my heart condition may get worse and there is no need for panic buying but to remember their are others who need things more all prayers needed for the world and us all come together
I just think I have enough on my plate feeling so poorly as it is that I definitely dont need corona aswell. Also how awful the stigma is if you get it - like having the plague. I want to stay as safe as possible. Besides I have plenty to do and prefer being on my own but you still need to go food shopping and what if you really need to see the gp?
This has just appeared on government guides, it says chronic heart disease, such as heart failure..
Still unclear if this includes me or not..
Just found this published this evening on the NHS site:-