Hi hope you are all well..
Well here we we are 14 days on from the big day and feeling good. Since returning home last week I have managed to see steady progress everyday and am gaining strength with each day that passes. Yes, its be uncomfortable and some day challenging but progress is progress.
I have been out walking everyday and yesterday walked a full 2 miles for the first time, against my wifes wishes may I add. I probably should have done less but it was a beautiful crisp sunny day and I faced he wrath as a result.
Sleeping has been difficult as I always slept on my front up until the surgery so its took at bit of getting used to.
Lots of good nutritious food has helped, and naps here and there keeps me fresh.
The scars are healing well and dont look too hideous, main problem is the graft they took from my arm, its caused a numb cold thumb and is painful at times..
Luckily not too much coughing,laughing and sneezing etc which has certainly helped.
All in all its been a good week with not too many problems to report..
Regards to you all