Hi my name is Sue and I have been diagnosed with Behcets since 1986. I was 16 years old. I have not had an easy journey, however to many my life has appeared very normal. I went to university and studied nursing straight out of school and continue to work. I also have studied counselling and psychology. My Behcets has been complicated and I have suffered most symptoms over the years.mi would like to get a real support network set up for sufferers in Australia , as it is a very isolating and painful disease. I have never met another sufferer of Behcets and hope to reach out and set up a network where none of us feel alone.
I am an incredibly positive person and although chronic illness brings darkness to your life I refuse to let it define me or break me. I hope to bring comfort to others and help if needed as no one needs to suffer as I have. Remembering in the 80s and 90s not much was known about this very pretty named exotic disease. Please feel free to contact me just to say hello, to offer help in trying to set up a formal support group or to ask for any help, as being apart of the health care system I may be able to direct you in an appropriate way.
Have a great day and please say hello.