Hi everyone!
I’ve been diagnosed with Behçet in 2020. From that point on it’s been a rollercoaster of doubts and misunderstandings between doctors and I can’t still understand what of my symptoms are or are not Behçet related.
I was diagnosed in Portugal but I live in London. This past weekend I had a huge episode where both my hands started swelling a lot, they were burning hot, covered in red spots and the joints were very painful. It quickly escalated to the whole body. The day after my hands were so swollen that I couln’t close them or even use my phone. I took a corticosteroid and the swollen disappeared but I start feeling my fingers and toes super numb and with very low sensitivity. I could barely feel anything.
This morning that sensation was gone but once again I woke up covered in red spots throughout my legs, feet, hands and arms. Just left the A&E and the doctor told me it is acute urticaria, but he doesnt know if it could be related to Behçet as he knows very little about it.
Also my blood and urine tests from 3 weeks ago showed that my inflammation levels are very high.
Did anyone ever get urticaria symptoms related to Behçet?
help much appreciated, I am feeling quite lonely in this journey and it’s hard because it seems very little professionals know about it.