I am a bit confused ---- today, I am walking fine around the house, and my balance feels good , it is like I m back to normal --- is this normal with Ataxia balance , probably later on today, or tomorrow, I shall be back to not able to balance and move , who knows
wondering again : I am a bit confused ---- today... - Ataxia UK
wondering again

Hello lottie, this past Christmas and new years I traveled to USA to stay with my daughter for six weeks. I have CA but somehow I managed to walk unaided after help from her and son in law. This lasted two days when I returned home. I am back to using stick and balance is not good so what happened to me. I’m thinking exercise and surroundings is what I needed. I still get a day that I can walk a fair distance but next day I’m tired. You’re not alone with this questionable disease
Thanks Jean, I am newly Diagnosed, with C A, but have had Balance problems for years, I am glad for this site, because when you don't know what is happening, then it gets a bit scary, I get a phiso starting on Friday !!!, so as you say , exercising will be good for my feet, Take care, and thanks for your comfort,
Lottie, mine is bad always but I wish I had, if only an hour, some reprise..........
I suggest you keep a food diary and of other things you do. Maybe you will find some links. Staying away from gluten and refined sugars alcohol etc and getting more sleep, exercise, sunshine etc can sometimes help some people .it would be good to find out the things that help you. I personally find avoiding gluten and sugar and not getting stressed help me .
How lovely! This happened once, on one day before I unknowingly ingested some things that affect me and caused a downturn, but to my horror, I was scared. I don't understand this.
My balance comes and goes, in theory you can re-educate your brain x
With Ataxia,you have good and bad days.LOL
My ataxia is always the same, although it has progressed over the years, even though I eat healthy, exercise and have gone to physical & aquatic therapy over the years. I have had ataxia 20+ years and found out in 2017 it's due to Niemann Pick C disease (NPC). Do you know what type of ataxia you have? Eposodic Ataxia comes and goes, although I don't profess to know much about it, just what I've read about it. Also, certain viruses/infections can cause ataxia, which gets better in time (I've read about that also). Anyway, I'm happy for you to have some relief from ataxia! My best to you..., ;o)
My balance symptoms are worse on some days, than others. I can't seem to predict when I'll have a bad day with symptoms. I believe that these fluctuations depend upon what kind of Ataxia one has. I have Cerebellar Ataxia, due to an artery problem, so my blood pressure affects symptoms, if it gets too high, as an example. I am on two blood pressure medicines, and I try very hard to be even-tempered, and watch salt in my diet, and watch my weight. Mine is not hereditary, and is extremely rare ( according to my neurosurgeon ), so CA symptoms for me, are probably a little different, than for some other people.