Hi guys well I got a positive result Monday ? Been okayish apart from aches headache cough I’ve needed inhaler more tho ? Can anyone tell me does it get worse before better? I don’t know what to do with needing inhaler I spoke to dr yday as I have prenisolone she said not to take as it can bring on pneumonia ? But today feels a bit different
/positive /Covid : Hi guys well I got a... - Lung Conditions C...
/positive /Covid

Just didn’t know if anyone had any advice
I'm sorry that you have tested positive and sorry that I can't answer your question. Someone may come along who can but you could try the nurses at Asthma + Lung UK, telephone 0300 222 5800.
I hope you recovery quickly and that your husband is doing well.
Have you got an oximeter to check your oxygen levels ?
If you feel different today I would ring your health professional soon.
Tell them you are needing to use more of your inhaler .
Are you in UK? My window cleaner told me this morning that his entire family caught it - including his kidney transplanted wife and they all had it mildly. One son had a bit of a cough which cleared quickly. I've got my paracetamol and effervescent Vitamin C 1000mg ready for when I get it (I do think its a question of when not if even though I'm extremely careful). Good luck hometeam

Hi so sorry to hear you have hot COVID-19, I hope you get better very soon. Please try and have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌻🌻
Hi home team2016. I had covid recently and apart from coughing more than usual I was ok. I increased my inhaler for a couple of days and drank a lemsip every night. I’m on a fostairnexthaler 100/6 2 puffs twice a day. Hope you are ok x
Hi I’m okayish but croaky and feels like I need to keep coughing I’m not wheezing or nothing I’m prob just panicking but does feel like I’m a bit breathless you can’t tell I am but I feel it
I became hoarse and croaky too. I checked my O2 levels and my peak flow a couple of times x
Sorry to hear that you have covid, I hope you feel better soon. What kind of aches are you having as I keep testing negative but feel like I have been carrying a load of bricks for 2 days my shoulders and arms hurt
Hiya the aches I feel like I’ve been run over , really pushing myself to get up for a stretch or walk around the room , my shoulders but it’s my legs just ache esp knees xx
Everyone's symptoms are different, I felt like you do but I then got a chest infection, took my emergency antibiotics and lots and lots of chest clearance. Drink plenty, keep your lungs clear, paracetamol and rest. If you feel you need extra help call your doctor again x
I and hubby tested positive for covid on Sunday ,I was feeling unwell coughing upclear mucus,since then it has got a bit worse ,aching legs headache feeling under the weather ,still testing positive to day sixth day ,now turned into chest infection started my recue pk today ,let hope from here we will start recovering best wishes Alice
Sending wishes to u both it’s the breathlessness I can’t take it’s like I need to do a big cough but nothing clearing. I’ve just had bath and going to lay back down I have rescue pack but my gp. Said don’t start prenisolone as it can bring on pneumonia so y do they give it to us x
Thank you ,I'm the same in and out of bed for past two day ,sometimes I can't get worm
Hello Alice70..just wanted to send get well wishes to yourself and your hubby..hope you are both on the mend real soon 😘
Hi Alice how r u doing
Wish I could say that I'm good ,but I'm not ,I've been in and out of bed for past three day ,today hopefully I've turned a corner ,dont know about you thinking a bit better then the next thing your lying down as weak as a kitten ,my legs have stopped aching just weak now ,how are you doing ,hope you've turned a corner ,still tested positive this morning which is eighth day,I've heard it said it like mild flu ,I'd say full blown flu ,everyone is different, let me know how you are wishing you well ,oh my husband wasn't as bad as me
Same one min I think I feel better then whack hits ya , I’m still testing positive 7th day my hubbie was negative by his 7th , last few days been bringing stuff up off chest I sound a bit cackly when laying down I’ve been having my inhaler 2-3 hourly send ok , my temp hasn’t gone over 37,7 , my chest/back hurts when I breath in deeply tho we can do this hun xx
Are you feeling any better ,I'm still testing positive on eleventh day today
Hi Alice I had my first negative yday and today was also negative I feel a lot better but still chesty
Thanks Hometeam ,just kneeded a bit of reassurance, I'm still testing positive 12th day ,I am feeling better today though ,just about to send in sputum test as I've been on antibiotics 7days chest taking long to clear ,wouldn't want this covid ever agian ,never mind I'll get there like you good luck Alicex
I’m breathless just by walking up the stairs or few steps away I might contact gp soon my husband still has a chesty cough
Hey Hometeam how are you guys doing now..where are you on the recovery journey? Hope you don't mind me asking..I've managed to dodge the bugger so far 🤞..I worry how people with our conditions react to it xx
Hiya , we r now negative but I walk few steps and feel breathless so i might phone gp in the week as I’m more breathless than before covid , I dodged it for 2 years then got it from hubbie and tbh I just work and home sometimes shops , always wear a mask tho , I was tired no energy , had a headache on/off and constantly little coughs but also ribs hurt x
☹☹hope the effects of having it don't hang around for much longer..definitely get to the gp to maybe give you a little check over.. that's if your surgery is actually doing face to face 🙄..real live appointments appear to be a thing of the past here. Just listen to your body and don't overdo things Glad you have got rid of that bit at least xx
Hi Alice how r u x
Hi homestead still feeling fragile, my test is negative now after fifteen to sixteen days of positive ,I am feeling better in alot of ways ,but my breathing has took what I can only describe as a bashing ,I was only breathing 29%before covid wouldn't like to think what it is now ,hopefully it will return to what it was before covid ,I did get a nasty chest infection alongside covid ,so I have taken my rescue pk of two weeks doycycline and five days of prednisone finished them today ,hope you are feeling better ,let me know ,and thank you for asking how I am ,I may write a post of my experience with covid ,and how I was treated at the hospital then maybe I'll stop getting upset about my treatment at the hospital
Glad you r on the mend , I’m still breathless I have a respiratory apt today this was booked before covid as I think my emphysema has been swept under the carpet as it’s mild but I think if it’s mild why are the inhalers not working to help me breath ok , why before covid was I breathless ? And I feel it’s not from my lungs I feel it’s from my airways and every now and then I deep breath out the blue I don’t do anything it just happens
What happened at the hosp hun
I have just of loaded in a new post ,like you eight or nine years ago I was diagnosed with mild emphysema, and mild broncheicstasis, and like you the med never seemed to work as they should ,I was using fostair then ,and ventilin ,then a few years ago I was changed to trmbow theve never worked properly either ,I'd take eight o'clock in the morning by one olock effects had worn of ,at the moment after civid it hardly works at all ,ventilin doesn't do much for me either ,I think ventilin works better for people with a asthma, some years back I ask my consultant why mends weren't working she didn't know for some it is like that she said ,let me know how you get on with your respiratory apt wont you
Yeah I have fostair and then changed to spiriva but when c a diff gp she said use both fostair n spiriva
Yo Hometeam ☹what a bummer..really hope you don't get any worse..rest and take care..hope your hubby is recovering well..hugs x
Really feel for you 😬it seems to affect every one differently..I can't believe I've managed to dodge it ..so far 👀🤞.I feel like a whimp but I don't mind admitting it 💩s the life out of me..keep an eye on ya obs and take advice if you get any worse..😘
😱oh god..I just got over that myself..blimey. Glad you spoke to her and also glad you have mentioned that..I think I might have been tempted to whack a few down if my breathing was dodgy😳..they give you them dont they..Hopefully this is as bad as it gets for you 🙏😘