I had my vaccine on Saturday morning during the night I woke with pain all over and breathing difficulties . Has anyone else had such things happen? As I had a problem with Fridays test at hospital I can't be sure if its that . Seems to have lessened with painkillers and inhaler . Just don't normally have trouble with vaccine.
Covid 19 Vaccine side effects - Lung Conditions C...
Covid 19 Vaccine side effects

I've stopped the covid vaccinations as advised by my Respiratory team We are all different so don't follow what I do.
My belief it is ridiculous having to repeat all these a couple of times a year. I find they make my condition worse pumping all these unknown products into our system which can affect our lungs.and feel better now I have stopped them.
But Please don't do as I do as we are all different and have our own opinions . Hope you're feeling better . Lots of love xx.Sheila ❤️
I will only have 1 a year Sheila.x
I will never ever ha e anymore covid vaccinevaccines, too many people close to me have had heart problems x
My Respiratory nurse said she had covid after having every vaccination so won't have anymore. Also can make lungs worse on some patients. Each to their own, but I refuse to pump unknown vaccines into my system... xx.Sheila ❤️💕
It sometimes depends on which vaccine you have l think Katie. Pete and l had Moderna on Friday which Pete has had before but I haven’t. I felt very achy yesterday and shivery so can only think it was a reaction to the jab. I was fine with Pfizer but feel better today. Pete was ok thank goodness.
Hope you’re feeling better today xxx❤️
Thanks Sassy59, I think it is the vaccine myself. Its a little better now except for the usual painful arm. Good to hear you feel a little better today . I need to wait for a phone call about a new appointment as my biopsy was aborted on Friday, that's another story. Now I will have to get an advocate. I can't tolerate people treating me disrespectful and talking to me like a two year old.
That doesn’t sound good and l don’t like being patronised either, it’s not right. Hope you get another biopsy appointment soon. Take care xxxx❤️
That sounds awful Katie. You are absolutely right, these things cannot be tolerated and I applaud you for standing up to it. I hope you get another appointment soon along with the respect you deserve.
I'm glad you feel a bit better after what must have been scary after your vaccine and I hope your arm is less sore soon xx
Thanks sassy59, hope you are recovering well . I will let you know when if at all I get my new appointment. xx
I was advised to not have any more covid jabs after quite a scary allergic reaction to the last one I had, big rash, bronchospasm and very dizzy. The reaction lasted 48 hours and left me quite shaken up! I don't go out much these days and avoid crowded spaces. But that was just my own personal experience, I am not qualified to offer advice to youyour situation.
hope that you feel better soon.My elderly neighbour had a reaction to the last vaccine she had with severe dizziness and nausea which subsided after a few days.She hasn't hasnt had another booster on medical advice.Is it worth checking with your GP / respiratory team for advice re further boosters.Wishing you well and hope you recover soon x
Hi Katie moderna affects me with pain in joints and stiff arm but it went off in stages lasting arm pain was 2 mths but the joint pain was a few days .hope you feel better soon
Sounds awful Katie. I hope your feeling better. I hope your biopsy goes better next time x
I'm sorry you feel so bad- makes me realise husband and I have been lucky so far. I hope you soon get over it, whether it's the vaccine or a chest infection. On top of that to be messed around by patronising twits- that's not on. It's easier to tell them where to get off when you're feeling on top of things, but you really do need someone to speak for you when you're below par. Good luck. xxx
I feel a bit like garshe. I had a reaction after the last covid vaccine and wont be having another one. I hope this settles down quickly for you. Keep us updated on your biopsy x
I feel a bit better today , been to opticians. Hospital called with new appointment for biopsy which was aborted . It is due for the 10th of May . A Dr is going to do it with extra tablets for blood pressure, and tranquiliser , plus a different position we hope. Got blood test for 7th . Going to a different ward. So now its just a case of fingers crossed it works fine this time.
Had most awful reaction. So did all my work colleagues ! At work we were protected against various infectious diseaseses that we might encounter during the working day in a microbiological laboratory. So we were given vaccines regularly every year. One year most of the staff went down with temperatures and whatever . Tnis afterr the previous days injection s of the annual vaccine . Very few left to run the lab and as the chief technician also suffered it was inivestigated. It seemed that the people producing this vaccine had used a different technique to kill the bug and make it safe , used a different chemical. So we all reacted to this chemical. We were guinea pigs ! So that was one cause -bad technique . But with viruses there is the complication that they readily mutate and this can affect the action of t of the vaccine . So each new strain can need its own vaccine so these new vaccines are a combination of a number of mutations that are most commonly found and any new ones , too . Made by different companies too . So what caused your problem ? Not possible too say unless there are many people with same problem .
Also the flu vaccine we have is new every year and based on the most recent flu organisms in the southern part of world encountered in their wi nter. Sorry to go on so long.
Hi jaybird19, sorry for delay, I have with a magnifying glass, just sifted the medical sheet given with the vaccine there's so many side effects I still feel ill but the hospital gave me a different drug that was blue for losartan . Hence the reason for not being on line. Stay well &safe It maybe the producers have changed the ingredients as your post mentions but the patient thinks its the same one as before as it says Moderna.