Hi I've had a chronic cough for as long as I can remember but in April this year I started getting blood in my phlegm when I got up in the morning. I have never been a big drinker of water but after looking at some information on the internet, I realised I could be suffering from dehydration so started drinking a lot of water. I have also started wheezing and at times felt my chest was quite tight. When I went to the Dr they did a physical examination but could not find anything concerning so referred me for blood tests and a chest x ray which have all come back normal. I was even given a short course of anti biotics and inhaler which gave me temporary relief. I was then referred to the Respiratory Team at my local hospital and have since had a CT scan done which was at the end of May. There was then a major delay in me hearing anything back from my CT scan so had to raise a complaint and have since been told by a Radiographer that there is nothing sinister in my results but I would have to wait for the Respiratory Team getting back to me. This led to a further complaint and my Dr eventually got back to me confirming the same as the radiographer that there was nothing sinister and the only thing they found on the CT scan was a chest infection. I have a telephone appointment with a Respiratory Consultant tomorrow to discuss my CT scan results and am under the impression that if there was anything urgent or serious then I would have been referred straight to the hospital. I have some idea what might be wrong with me and think I have either Chronic Bronchitis or Bronchiectasis as I have a lot of the symptoms. In the last couple of weeks however the blood in my phlegm has returned in the morning and I have been experiencing back and shoulder pain especially at night when I have been lying down. I think this has been caused by the changing of the seasons as we are now coming into winter. Due to all this happening I have been extremely stressed and not been able to sleep so was just looking for some advise or to find anyone with similar symptoms. If anyone could please give me some advise it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Lung Conditions: Hi I've had a chronic... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung Conditions

Ask the Respiratory Consultant about this in the telecon tomorrow, as more tests may be required. Hope everything is sorted soon.
I agree with Dedalus, have a list ready to ask all your questions when you have the phone consult tomorrow. Hope you get some answers to ease your concerns.
Has your sputum been tested recently , since the last course of antibiotics? I wonder if you have a lingering infection ?
Could you query this when you have your consultation.
You could try ringing the BLF helpline for advice ….03000 030 555.
The Dr has never taken a sample of my sputum. I will suggest this to the Respiratory Consultant tomorrow. I'm obviously worried about it as there is something not right but as I've been told there is nothing sinister on the CT scan and its a telephone appointment I don't think it's considered urgent.
Ate you still on he inhaler ?Write yourself a list of questions and jot the answers down.
It’s hard to remember sometimes
I had the same thing coughing up blood but mine was each time I coughed. Turned out it was due to a bad lung infection, took steroids' and antibiotics and they soon sorted it out, Took abut a week before the blood started getting less and then stopped. So hope you are soon sorted out Best of luck. From Ruth
A Ct scan would have shown that you had bronchiectasis. I was diagnosed following a Ct scan. Your problem is more likely due to a bad infection
I think it's Bronchiecstasis. When the GP phoned me last week she said there was nothing sinister and the only thing that showed up was a chest infection. She didn't give any more details and said the Respiratory Consultant would follow up with me so fingers crossed.
When I get blood in my sputum it's usually a bad infection or because I've had one after the other with not enough recovery in between. Usually when I get the sputum tested so we get the correct antibiotics plus steroids (although I hate them because they keep me awake) it clears it up properly. I've been told my ct scan looks like the beginnings of bronchiectasis, although they wont diagnose it as that because there isn't enough damage. So it's in my notes as asthma behaving like bronchiectasis.
I went to see a private respiratory physio who said I have all the symptoms of bronch, so that is how she is going to treat it. It really helped using her techniques to clear the sputum every day. I've had no where near as many infections since I saw her. I'd definitely recommend you try and see one.
Good luck x
If the blood is only a small amount it can be caused by coughing to violently, as it causes the small blood vessels to break (there are a lot in the lungs!) Techniques taught by a physio for bringing up phelgm can help and to ensure you clear the lungs deeper down.
Hope that you get the right treatment and feel better soon.
Just had my Respiratory appointment and the Consultant said I've got Asthma. He will be sorting out treatment going forward so hopefully start getting better soon.
It's good that you've got a definite answer at last. i hope the new treatment will work for you.