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Stories from a Hospital Volunteer – Conversations.

Greenthorn profile image
45 Replies

Its been a while since I last posted, but today I invite you to tour two wards with me and listen in to the conversations from yesterday!

I spent nearly 3 and half hours on Monday visiting two wards of the elderly and patients “living with” dementia. A real mixed bag of characters. The first guy I met had already spread butter on a slice of toast and was still fidgeting with the knife but was still scraping inside the tiny gold wrapping, even though there was hardly any butter left! My colleague asked him, “can I help to spread the jam?” But the guy gave a curt reply, “no, I like mucking about!” That was it; he liked fiddling with the knife! A little more into the conversation he said he had been married 60 years, but his wife had died 3 months ago. We chatted on for a bit, but we could see he was more interested in fiddling with the knife to extract every trace of butter from the tiny wrapper. A bit sad really.

The adjacent patient’s bed was next to the window with a good view of the city. The sky was a bit dull and grey so I said to him “I wish I could paint the sky blue” but he replied, “I’m not bothered.” The conversation continued in a grey vein. He said, “its pills, pills, pills, all the same.” He too had lost his wife. Not a good start but at least we had a little conversation and when he told me his age of 80 something, I said that’s 40 years ahead of where I was (a complete lie) and that made him laugh.

Curiously, the patient opposite was sitting up in bed with his blanket completely over his head. I say “his” but one couldn’t tell if this was a woman or a man or even a dummy. Clearly someone not entirely happy with life! Actually, I am being presumptuous there; he might have been very happy. I did call out his name, and his head peered out of the blanket, and I said, “good morning”. He grunted and returned to cover. Not a good start.

The last of the patients in that bay was more jolly. In particular, he wanted someone to buy him items of food namely: a small baguette, two Portuguese custard tarts, a pot of humous and two bananas. The Volunteers department do provide RRV’s (Rapid Response Volunteers) who take an order and go shopping on behalf of the patient. If the patient can afford it then fine, otherwise the hospital charity will pay up to near £10.

Another male patient told us how easy it was to forget things. Like he’d forget to bring his false teeth. He told us he had read about a mnemonic device, a way of remembering things. I'm was to do with using a cabbage by way of analogy. We both surmised that that had something to do with the compressed and unfolding leaves, but he laughed and confessed, “I don’t really remember it!”

Another male patient was very anxious but keen to keep my attention, trying to explain his domestic situation. But his English was quite poor. I concentrated on giving him the assurance I was indeed listening to him. Even though I was wearing a face mask I looked at him in the eyes and with as much movement with jy eyes tried to give visual responses to him. He would repeat “Before my son was born, I saw my wife first.” Yep, I didn’t understand this either. Perhaps this was the Morecombe and Wise joke – “these are the right notes but played in the wrong order.” He was able to tell me his wife had Alzheimer’s. Perhaps she had believed that her son had come before her! Who knows? Thankfully a Family Liaison Officer appeared at bedside. He knew of the patient’ distress and was aware of the patient’s case. I allowed him to take over.

Moving on. This time to an extraordinary lady patient, who I like to call Miss D Frost. (Ever since we met this patient we observe her a little bit more civil and friendly. So, we say she is “defrosting.” The remarkable thing about this lady is her immaculate clothing outfits. We’ve seen her for several weeks now, on our Monday visits. She must have a hidden wardrobe of clothes for each week she lies on top of her bed resplendent in full dress and invariably wearing a very smart jacket. Yesterday a green silk handkerchief protruded from the top pocket. Her accent is as sharp and cut like a diamond. When I first asked her if I could play Chopin on my Bluetooth speaker she said “no” without seemingly moving her lips! More lately she says “no thank you” but with even less movement. However, she does enjoy a short exchange of pleasantries. As I see her lips curl to an ironic smile I sense a trickle of acid on her tongue ha ha. Joking aside, I do believe she enjoys our encounters. Yesterday she was expecting to home, with two bags full and a posh suit case at the side of the bed. (From one of the bags appeared the head of a cuddly toy tiger. Hmm.) This lady probably prepares to go home every single day; that would explain why she is still there dressed ‘to the nines’ every morning. In past conversations she has told us that she has nowhere to go! I think she’ll still be there next week. I said “au revoir” to her and she gave me an acid grin!

Another male patient had a plate of sausage, peas and mash potato but had only cut and eaten a quarter of his sausage complaining that there was no brown sauce. Isn’t it strange how one small addition can make a meal? Try as I might to encourage him to eat, he just wouldn’t. I am resolved to carry a sachet or two of brown sauce into my satchel for next week!

The next patient was an elderly man, blind in his right eye and sporting a kind of punk hairstyle. I reckon it was the way he slept that he had developed this quiff of white hair on the top of his head. He told us his mother had lived till 98 but was deaf from birth and as children his siblings would tug at the base of her skirt for attention! I’m sure a merry old time was had by all.

But he said his mother learnt to lip read. I was sceptical at first, thinking how is that possible if she doesn’t understand sound; how could she link the shape and movement of lips to sounds she has never heard - so I went looking on Artificial Intelligence sites (Chat GPTP) this morning to discover that this can be achieved! It was interesting to hear the gentleman say, “you can talk a bit with your eyes and face.” Yep, that’s what we do as volunteers!

Finally, to our last hospital bay where four female patients. I made three mistakes with the first lady patient. Well three wrong assumptions really. The first was to believe she was Irish, from her accent. This produced quite a furrowed frown! “No, I’m Scottish. She said she was originally from Glasgow. Into the hole I jumped. “Rangers supporter?” I asked, prompting a look of hell-fire. “Whoops, let’s move to the colour Green” I said.

I then enquired what music she might like to listen to, suggesting Tony Bennett, Perry Como, Moira Stewart. “AM I DEAD?” she retorted. But 'Stewart' was ok in one regard. She did like Rod Stewart so I crawled back into her friendship by playing “Maggie May.”

The lady diagonally opposite could hear the music ring out and gave me a wide smile. So I went to her next. She was with a carer who allowed me to sit in the chair

she had occupied. Once again, I tried my luck with “Frank Sinatra?” “You can hear him TOO often” she replied. (I found myself agreeing with her.) I played ultra-safe and went for Nat King Cole singing “Let There Be Love.” This is the recording with the British born George Shearing accompanying on piano. This is one of my party pieces where I mime a lot of the lyrics e.g. let there be “wind” and occasional “rain”, “chilli con carne” as I pretend to eat and mop my brow, and “sparkling champagne” when I pretend to drink from my Bluetooth speaker! The lady was particularly amused and entertained. She was actually German, so I felt like I was doing my bit for world peace ha ha. Anyway the carer filmed my antics and the reaction of the German lady telling me she would post the video to the patient’s family. (It might go viral!)

Lastly the lady patient opposite shouted out “Can I request a song?” She requested “Memories” sung by Gladys Knight and the Pips. She told us this was the song that was played at her husband’s funeral as his coffin entered the church packed with 700 guests, none of whom ever forgot the occasion, and most of them in tears as that song rung out in the church. And as she sat upright in her hospital bed, listening to Gladys Knight and the Pips., so she shed a few tears for those years and memories gone by, but she was strong and proud, telling us the final song at her husband’s funeral was “The Good Life.” If she is still, there next week I will play that to her! That’s it folks. I hope you all enjoyed the visit!

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Greenthorn profile image
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45 Replies
helenlw7 profile image

I love your stories of life as a hospital volunteer, particularly meaningful today as my husband is in hospital. He has dementia and has been in since last Friday. He has an abscess on his right kidney and is in a four bed bay. One of the 4 is very intolerant, and complained to me that my husband had kept him awake all night eating a bag of wine gums! Not sure where he got them from because he’s diabetic so visiting family won’t have given them to him. The other two men are lovely.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply tohelenlw7

Thanks Helenlw7 - yes, as much as possible a hospital will try and group patients in an orderly fashion but so often you get a mixed bag and every so often one's sleep may be disturbed by a noisy or disorientated patient. But "wine gums" ? Is that all that is disturbing the guy? He needs dustbin lids! Something doesn't add up there. You do get patients with all sorts of prejudices and preconceptions. Thank God your husband has two "lovely" men as caretakers! I wish you and your husband well. Please stay in touch.


helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply toGreenthorn

The annoying man spent most of the time we were there on his phone on loud speaker. Hopefully he’ll have been discharged by the time we get there tomorrow!

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply tohelenlw7

Hopefully. But don't be afraid to politely ask him to take it off loudspeaker if you are unable to hear your husband. And speak to the staff if necessary. 🤞

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply toGreenthorn

I will

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply tohelenlw7

Thinking of u + hubby,helenlw7. Hope that chaps gone home - u don't need his moans+groans,or loudspeaker x

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply toPatk1

He has gone home thank goodness!

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply tohelenlw7

Good x

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply tohelenlw7

Did he get a fanfare!

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply tohelenlw7

Thinking of you and your husband Helen. Love and hugs.

Carole xxxx ❤️🤗

sassy59 profile image

A varied visit David and very interesting and somewhat sad. Dementia plays havoc with the mind but there can be amusing times too. Pete’s mum lived in a care home when her Alzheimer’s became worse and she would sit by the door with her shoes and coat on waiting for an ambulance to take her to hospital.

You and Lucy do a great job. Xxxx

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply tosassy59

Oh that's so sad Carole.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply toGreenthorn

It was very sad but she wouldn’t be moved so we sat and chatted by the door. Xxx

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply tosassy59

That's such a lovely thing you both did. ❤️

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply tosassy59

Mike packs his bag every day, thinking he’ll be coming home. It’s very sad.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply tohelenlw7

Bless him. Very sad indeed xxx

Patk1 profile image

Thanku.very entertaining x

Alberta56 profile image

That sounds an exhausting session -trying to get a response out of patients who aren't responsive. You're doing a grand job- phew!!

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toAlberta56

Yes, we were thinking, this is not a good start and we see so many patients in deep sleep with their mouths wide open. Thankfully the last bay we visited was like hearing wedding bells. It was a real joy! That's when we decided to call it a day- to walk out on a high.

Izb1 profile image

I have just been watching the news and there was a train with a load of pensioners and their carers/partners suffering from dementia. They were all singing and seemed to be having a really good time. I didn't catch all the programme , but it looks like it could be a regular thing as they did say the next one is from Whitby in May. What a great thing for both the people suffering from dementia but their partners too seemed to be having a good time and am sure it can only be a good thing to have a day out.Your day at the hospital sounds like it was a bit like the weather, greys skies with the sun breaking through at times. I am sure you brightened the day for the people you visited and think music can help people with dementia as they seem to remember the words and maybe bring back memories x

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toIzb1

Oh I'd so wish to have seen the news; perhaps later. What a sight for sore eyes. A train load of oldies acting like kids? Hip hip hooray!Your summary was spot on.

We as volunteers are expected to write up the statistics afterwards, how many we've seen and for how long we've been with any one patient, (1-5 mins, 5-30 mins and 30+ mins. And then a score out of 5 for value given (or something like that). It was a 3/5 until we reached the last bay which lifted it to 5/5, such was the joy and fun we had, particularly from the German lady who was fascinated with my antics!

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toGreenthorn

I replied to grettal on forgetfulness this morning and wonder if you have heard of this :-I saw an article the other day :-Scientists found sniffing rosemary can increase memory by 75%. Rosemary breaks down a chemical in the brain known as acetylcholine. This allows nerve cells to communicate with one another more effectively.

Just a thought as you deal with dementia on your visits to the hospital x

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toIzb1

That sounds amazing. I do have rosemary in my garden and my short-term memory is bad - forget where I put things etc. I shall certainly give this a try myself and may well bring in a sprig to the ward. Thanks Irene, watch this space!

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toGreenthorn

Yes, I have rosemary in the garden and have started doing this, although I have lost my sense of smell due to sinus problems I am hoping at will still work, keep me posted please x

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toIzb1

Will do. In the last half an hour I've been out in the garden watering and stroking the rosemary bush!

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toGreenthorn

Ha! Well good for you. I too have a bunch that I have picked this morning sat next to me to sniff throughout the day. I also have some ready for the garlic, rosemary potatoes to put with the chicken for dinner x

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toIzb1

Stop it! 😀. You are making me salivate. 😜

Digger0 profile image

Lovely. I hope that if I end up on an elderly ward anytime (I'm 74 now) I get some decent music eg the 60's, 70's and 80's not Perry Como to accompany my exercises!

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toDigger0

What is it about Perry Como ha ha. Too laid back I guess!

Mrbojangles profile image

keep up the great work it’s so appreciated by the staff and patients.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toMrbojangles

Wow, Mr B - you are still on the 'mortal coil'. 😜I had hoped my post may have elicited a response from you. It's so good to hear you are about. Spring IS around the corner and Guinness IS available in the local pub. Soldier on sir - you have my warmest greetings. 🥃🥃. Cheers.

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply toMrbojangles

Lovely to see you on site Mr B , hope you are feeling well x

katieoxo60 profile image

Thank you for your ward stories, my last job before retirement was in the local dementia home, we did day care too. Its quite surprising even though their mind is gone how many memories are still in there. We used to have a lady who still got dressed every morning ready to go out including a silk scarf like the queen. I think its hardest for the family, because they remember the person they where once.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply tokatieoxo60

Yes indeed Katieoxo60 - very hard on families where they feel they have "lost" someone, it's a horrible alienating feeling, like watching someone fade in the mist. We are trained to speak of "living with dementia" and taught that so much CAN be done to add value to the patients remaining years. Did you read lzb1's replies to me? Irene wrote of a train outing for dementia patients and their families/carers where a sing-along was organised on route and every had a jolly good time! This was on the news this morning! As for"Miss D Frost" it is like talking to a member of the Queen's household! I feel like her butler, yes ma'am and all that. And her clothes are so well organised and smart.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply toGreenthorn

Memories even for those of us who care are important . We had a motto see me not my illness. Many illnesses have to be lived with not least dementia , but many illnesses are cruel,and we must try and keep the persons dignity. I have a pet hate people who tell me to keep still when taking my blood , I can't as I have a benign essential tremor much like people shake with parkinsons, I get mad that they do not even take any notice of my medical notes or understand them. But Hey thats me and I can fight back.

Mrbojangles profile image

The experts are still trying to figure out why the pleural effusions keep reappearing causing severe breathlessness which is akin to a drowning feeling.

The new right lung is also still trapped.

Tbh the transplant looks like it may have failed but like a jack Russell gripping the postman’s leg I won’t give up.


Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toMrbojangles

Ggrrr grrr! Don't let go Mr Bojangles. You and your dad will always be in my memories. He does get a song or two on the wards where I visit!

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply toMrbojangles

Glad to hear you won't give up Mr. B. Hang on to that postman. Good to hear from you and hoping that the better weather will bring an improvement for you. xxx

Mrbojangles profile image

I am going nowhere.

The only problem I have now is using a walker( the old granny ones with shopping area and seat)

Purple and black and uglier than an Austin Allegro.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toMrbojangles

I can picture you! But purple and black, whatever next!

Keep right on to the end of the road!
Nicholatracy profile image

thankyou so much. That was so interesting 🐝🐞

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toNicholatracy

It was a long write-up and a long morning but I thought I'd invite you all to share that experience!

Ern007 profile image

Unlike you last episode - The first half as I have read is very sad - In common was the death of a spouse, to mind is the poor chap loving to fiddle with a knife.

Miss D Frost. with the extensive wardrobe, acid and not keen on Chopin really I think did not really want to be there. I mean she was dressed to make en exit,

The tune you are playing next week for the lady remembering her husbands funeral “Memories” sung by Gladys Knight and the Pips. - For some reason I was surprised as I always associated that song with "Cats" and did not Elvis sing that first.

Sad in a way but a Great tale David, :-)

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply toErn007

Yes I just googled to read Elvis did indeed sing it first but Elaine Paige first sang it on stage in Cats, I think However Gladys Knight and the Pips is now my favourite version. I think this is coupled with another track when I found it on Spotify. The other song is The Good Life sung by Tony Bennett which I'll play next Monday.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply toGreenthorn

I have not heard "Gladys Knight and the Pips " - I did like Elaine Paige in this type of music, I think "don;t cry for me argentina." she also sang well. Look forward to you posting next installment,

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