I am a 34 year old mother of 3, aged 6, 3 and 4 months!
I don't smoke and I don't have asthma. I have been having chest pain for the last few months which can be quite painful, sometimes more so than others.
So I initially went to the doctors about 8 weeks ago, who ordered a chest x ray which I had the next day. They call me with the results informing me I had a chest infection, which surprised me as I didn't have a cough, I didn't have any wheezing, I didn't have a temperature, I just had pain. Nonetheless, I took the amoxicillin I was prescribed for a week, which didn't get rid of the pain, so the GP advised me to take another dose of amoxicillin which I did, but I was still intermittently getting pain, in my chest and back. They then thought it might be my gallbladder which I had an ultrasound and all was clear!
I had the follow up x ray last week which still shows consolidation on my right lung so I have been referred to respiratory medicine at the hospital to have a CT scan to investigate further.
I also was asked to have some more bloods done which again all came back clear!?
I am really worrying, as initially they thought I might have atypical pneumonia but my GP said she isn't sure as no markers are coming back in my blood tests and they are all clear!
Has anyone had anything similar or can reduce my panic in anyway?
Thank you for reading x