I have heart problems as well as Copd. When I wake in the morning before I even move my heart starts racing and I can't get a breath. This has got worse since a recent chest infection. I'm feeling very anxious and afraid.
Breathlessness: I have heart problems... - Lung Conditions C...

What does your GP say?
I got a 24 hour ecg monitor, it showed borderline tachycardia and supra ventricular beats , my Bisoprolol was increased a little but nothing was said about the breathlessness, it's really scary. I have moderate Emphesema . Trying to get to even speak to a Gp here is terrible. Spent an hour on phone to surgery yesterday to get told appts full up and then got cut off. I don't understand why it's just morning when I waken that I can hardly get a breath. Thank you for replying .
I was on Bisoprolol and it made me breathless. I didn't realise it was the medication until I came off it. I was also fatigued with it.
Some people tolerate it well but in the heart forum there are a lot who have had similar experiences to mine.
It might be worth asking if it could be affecting you especially as it was recently increased, and asking for an alternative.
Thank you, I was on Propanalol years ago but it was stopped after a heart attack and I've been on Bisoprolol since. I am very fatigued as I'm having bad Sciatica pain and can't sit for long so not being able to rest doest help. Thank you for your advice.
That's interesting, thank you for that information. I am on Bisoprolol and have been having real trouble breathing since Autumn. Had ambulance out again on Sunday night because I couldn't get my breath even when I was at rest. The GP actually did a home visit on Monday (!!) and I put it to her that maybe it's a heart problem as have tried all the antibiotics and steroids. She is going to try to get me a hospital outpatient appointment so I will mention this and see if it could be that. x
I'm sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time. It may not be the Bisoprolol but it's definitely worth asking. I was on it for a couple of months and felt like I was going downhill, then the dose was increased and I was much worse. I emailed my cardiologist and he changed the prescription and I couldn't believe how much better I felt.I'm in two heart forums and it often crops up with people having similar problems.
Good luck!
I've been on Bisoprolol for a couple of years now so it may not be that, but it's always worth asking and good to have specific questions to ask. This episode has been going on for so long with very brief respites and always get treated with steroids and antibiotics but they are not clearing it, so it's obviously not an infection. Just want to explore other possibilities. Thanks for your help. x
Have you been tested for sleep Apnea ?I
I felt the same in the mornings but I have an APAP... ALTERNATING POSITIVE AIR PRESSURE.What a difference it has made for me..#
I hope you manage to get the problem sorted.
You could try phoning 111 if you cannot get through to your surgery. They can be very helpful in assessing your symptoms, and they do seem to be able to get the surgery to contact you.
Thank you, I have never called 111 but I might need to if I can't get hold of a Gp.
Do give 111 a call. They will ask your surgery to give you an appointment or give you a GP appointment at the hospital if needed. It's as good as seeing your own GP.
The times I have called them because I could not get through to my surgery, they were very helpful. Good luck.
I was on the phone to my GP yesterday as I felt so awful but they said there were no appointments left and I should try again today. I felt so bad that I did phone 111 and they told me that they would get a doctor to phone me back. When I said they had no appointments they told me that all GPs have vacant slots for 111 referrals and the GP did phone me back eventually. Good luck xx
111 is a good idea, they can assess you and give you a same day gp appointment if needed, it's the best way to get seen if you don't get to the front of the online queue early enough in the morning, lots of good wishes, I hope you get some help and start to feel a little better very soon x N
Bless you, 111 have been really helpful when I've needed to see someone at my doctors (and the gp receptionist has told me to go to a&e because they are too busy 😬🤷♀️) 111 will assess and if needed give you a same day appointment at your gp practice, try in the morning, I'm sure they will help you get the appointment you need in front of someone at your gp's x N
For many breathing probs,I used " pursed lips breathing technique "- see aluk website and practise whn sat,relaxed so u become familiar with it for whn u need to use it.it helps u to be calm and focus on yr breathing.i would speak to Yr gp or 111
I am in total sympathy with you, it is terrifying when you can't get your breath even when you've been resting. Do hope you find out what's causing it. x
It's terrifying when your heart is racing and you can't catch a breath. I really feel that the whole NHS system needs a complete overhaul ...starting with primary care!!! It is ridiculous that patients who are in obvious need are being turned away or told that the surgery is too busy!!! Surely it's not beyond the bounds of imagination that rotas at surgeries could be implemented taking pressure of A&E ....and as for all these part time doctors....... AAAAAAGH!!!!! It has been known round here that someone turned up at the surgery having tried for days to get an appointment ....refused to move! Threatened to call the local radio station ,police and ambulance! cos they felt they were going to die right there!!!
I agree, it's terrible. It not only affects the physical it has made me so anxious and depressed. I have a few other health issues too and sometimes it's a long hard fight to try to keep as well as you can. It's like fighting a losing battle. Primary care really needs looking at. Thank you for your reply.
This system of everyone trying to phone at the same time and only having "same day" appointments is all wrong. Sometimes you don't need a same day app. but some other soul probably does. and what about people who go to work or are getting their kiddies ready for school at 8.30. I think it just works in the surgery's favour because so many people just struggle on and don't get the treatment they need. I've done that many times myself. As for them saying about going to A&E, I'd have to be literally on my last legs to go anywhere near there. Ours has currently got a Norovirus outbreak and everyone's advised to keep away!! No wonder it takes ages to get through to 111.
try raising your pillow or having an extra one.

Hi there Oreopepper, I'm so sorry to hear this, it sounds most unpleasant. I echo the great advice to call 111 if you can't get your GP and if you want to chat with us (A+LUK Helpline) about general management, meds and symptoms, please give us a call on 0300 222 5800. We're open 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. All the best, Helpline Team
I share your ailment although my morning events are different. I spend the night on a BIPAP machine to keep my CO2 retention under control. So in the morning I go from pressurised to non-pressurised breathing. It brings on asthma! Very unpleasant. So i do as much as I can with the mask on. I then go to the canula and directly to my nebulising machine for salbutamol. This may help you so I suggest you discu8ss it with your clinician as soon as you can.