Suspected lung cancer: Hi guys, I have... - Lung Conditions C...

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Suspected lung cancer

Markie9788 profile image
29 Replies

Hi guys, I have difficulty breathing for about 10 years now, some days is worse than others. It's very tight and heavy chest at all times, feels like breathing through the straw and like I need to keep getting satisfying deep breath. I don't have cough. I had X-ray, CT scan, normal scan, blood tests, lung capacity tests as recent as 9 months ago and all was negative. I finally accepted it was anxiety and went to the doctor to ask for different anxiety pills. Because I moved to different area and he didn't know me he said to do x-ray to rule out anything physical. I had an x-ray to n Wednesday and on Thursday I had a call from my GP that they found something on my lungs and I was referred to chest clinic for urgent referral. They called me today and I'm going for scan tomorrow so everything is moving fairly quickly, which is worrying already. I went on my online medical report and the results from xray say this:

"The heart size is normal. There is a small opacity in the left upper zone. The lungs are otherwise clear. No previous available.Urgent referral to the chest clinic is suggested for further assessment."

And the referral was for suspected lung cancer.

Is this cancer guarantee? How likely is it that it could be something else if they referred me for suspected lung cancer?

I am absolutely terrified and haven't stopped crying all weekend. Please help?

I don't have any other symptoms.


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Markie9788 profile image
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29 Replies
Markie9788 profile image

Also I'm 33.

sassy59 profile image

Hello Markie, that’s a scary thought isn’t it but suspected is what I’d focus on. Until you are properly investigated you won’t know what the diagnosis is. It’s good that things are moving forward quickly. I’m sending you hugs and good wishes hoping for a better outcome. Thinking of you. Xxx🤗

Markie9788 profile image
Markie9788 in reply to sassy59

Hello sassy59,Thank you for your reply, yes it's definitely true, just very difficult to do. Thanks you xxx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Markie9788

Take care xxx

ck101 profile image

Amazing the way these things crop up at the end of the week leaving it to fester over the weekend.

I’ve heard countless story’s like this over the years from family and friends (all ex smokers btw) related to Chest X-ray’s only for it to be nothing sinister.

It could be 100 things other than cancer! Even more so considering you are 33.

Markie9788 profile image
Markie9788 in reply to ck101

Thank you! I'm still so worried and not sure why they would say suspected lung cancer on the referral if it could be anything?

MMaud profile image

Markie, almost all rapid referral forms mention cancer, as that's almost the key to a quick appointment - usually within 2 weeks.

In most instances, your GP would talk through the referral and explain what he/she might or might not suspect and why they have written your referral as they have.

It would be easy for me to say not to worry, but those words are easy to say, and much harder for you to live Fingers crossed for a positive outcome for you.

I believe there are quite a few things that can cause lung opacities. I had one a few years back, just caused by a severe chest infection. It healed up after a while. I presume you haven’t had covid-19?

Bear in mind they’re bound to want to investigate this, and the only way to get you a quick referral is to write on the form that cancer is suspected. At least you’re not having to wait long for the all-clear

hypercat54 profile image

Hi I have to agree with the others. There are lots of other things it could be apart from lung cancer so try not to jump to conclusions. The typical lung cancer victim is middle aged or older and has smoked for many years. Not all of course but bearing in mind your young age it is probably not.

Even if it is it is very curable in the earlier stages which it sounds like it is. I have lost friends due to this and the main symptoms seem to be loss of weight, repeated chest infections, coughing up blood especially dark red, and clubbed, bendy and thick nails. Even then it can be just a severe chest infection.

Please keep us informed what happens. Prepare for the worst whilst hoping for the best.

Caspiana profile image

Hello Markie, 👋

I can imagine how terribly scary this must be. The good news is they have found it. Now it would be fantastic if it turned out to nothing of significance. I think you must take it a day at a time and unless you are told it is cancer then it is still unknown. As they said they need to investigate further. It's easy for me to say, but hang in there. Sometimes things are not as bad as they seem.

Sending best wishes.

Cas xx 🌿🌱

Katinka46 profile image

I am so sorry that you have this scary time. I won’t tell you not to worry as anyone would in your situation. The longest wait in the world is when we are waiting for a crucial appointment. I am also a believer in knowing the truth however hard. I hope you have the support of family and friends.All the best


Markie9788 profile image

Thank you all so much, this really helped me calm down, even if it is the worst case scenario, I feel less stressed right now and that's really good. Going to CT scan In a couple of hours, does anyone know, will they tell me the results there and then? I'm not sure how much more waiting I can deal with.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to Markie9788

Hi Markie, you won't get to know the result of the CT scan there and then. The images will be studied in detail and the report sent to the doctor who requested it. They may tell you how long it will take for him to get the report.

ck101 profile image
ck101 in reply to Markie9788

My guess would be if it is cancer, which it's 99.9999% not you'd get a call within 24 hours. They don't mess about with these things. If it's something less sinister a week or two.

CDPO16 profile image
CDPO16 in reply to ck101

Agreed. Having had a scan for a different suspected growth several years ago I was told by a specialist nurse that the longer the report took the more likely the news was that no malignancy had been found.

Preshous profile image

Having been through the same thing 2 years ago I can say things move fast. In my case it was chest x-ray then ct scan followed by a vist to a chest specialist where there was a McMillan nurse standard for cancer suspicions. A PET scan which confirmed an active growth followed by a bronchoscopy, long story short I was in hospital to have the growth removed which turned out to be non cancerous. I suppose the one thing you can take from this is the speed which things move and the utmost professionalism of everyone involved. Good luck and fingers crossed for you.

Peppa100 profile image

Hi there I had the same problem in 2014 they found a growth on my right lung they said it was operable and things moved quite quickly. Originally they were going to remove part of my lung but it had spread further so they removed all of my right lung. I know it was pre COVID but I just wanted to put your mind at rest a little bit I am perfectly fine now although I do get a little breathless when walking and talking but it’s a small price to pay for still being here . Good Luck

Runrig01 profile image

Please try not to worry, if the number of patients referred on the 2 week cancer pathway only 11% actually get a diagnosis of cancer. There is much more chance it is something else. If it is found to be cancer, it sounds like it’s been caught early. Usually you get a lot of weight loss, so if your weights stable that also makes it less likely. Try and switch off and find something to distract you. I’ve had similar experience earlier this year when I was found to have pulmonary fibrosis which has a 2-5yr life expectancy. Had a few tears, then put my big pants on and decided I’d prove them wrong and be here longer. Take care 🤗

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to Runrig01

Hope you do prove them very wrong. Go girl -you show them. xxx

Nettynonails profile image

Hi Markie, when I was in the Royal Brompton Hospital for test last year they found a spot on my lung and sent me to another place across London for a Pet scan to see if anything was live they said could be cancer or infection but was only one place so most likely cancer. They gave me antibiotics and sent me home for 6 weeks then to go back for another scan. To my relief it had shrank and was an infection. Fingers crossed yours is that or just some scar tissue x

ProudYorky profile image

Hi love just to try to reassure you yes you have something not quite right but they did the same thing with me they it turned out after tests I haven't cancer I've ILD which is scaring of the lungs not good but I saw it as a good result take care x

Blue1944 profile image

I don’t think you would have lung cancer 11years you would be dead lol

Kristicats profile image

Could be a huge number of things but they have to rule out cancer as a priority and often mention it to get things done quicker especially if the patient is anxious. I don’t know why they have to mention the C word at all to patients before tests are done. It causes a lot of panic and usually for no reason. At least you should get the results quickly to put your mind at rest.

Karenanne61 profile image

It is very scary when you are left hanging for a result. If you hear nothing for a few days after your scan try ringing your consultant's secretary. They are usually really helpful.

peege profile image

Thinking of you. Peege

Alberta56 profile image

Best wishes- hope it turns out to be nothing serious. One of our friends on this site has survived lung cancer.

Bingo88 profile image

Hello Markie. I would try to stay calm. I know its easier said than done. But I would suspect they would put that on every referral. And they are moving quickly so as to get on top of things if it was bad news. But doesn't mean to say it is. And don't forget the previous examinations all came back clear. Just hope everything is OK. Brian

Markie9788 profile image

Thank you all so much, you have no idea how much calmer your comments made me feel. Even if it is the worst case scenario, at least I'm not spending my days stressed, so again Thank you all. I had my CT scan today so now it's just a waiting game for results. Starting a new job on Monday also which is pretty bad timing, but fingers crossed all Is okay. PS why does CT scan dye make you feel like you've peed yourself? Haha

Jen3675 profile image
Jen3675 in reply to Markie9788

When do you get your results? Remain positive, chances are very much in your favour 😊

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